Online Unit Convertor

Convert units in other units. Simple. Length, speed, volume, area and weights units conversion. Convert strange and fun units. Online unit conversion.

Convert 1 Milimeter in Yard

1.00 Milimeter = 0.00 Yard

1 Milimeter converted to ...

Meter 0.001000
Kilometer 0.00000100
Decimeter 0.0100
Centimeter 0.1000
Micrometer 1,000
Nanometer 1,000,000
Picometer 1,000,000,000
Inch 0.0394
Foot 0.003281
Yard 0.001094
Mile 0.00000062
Span 0.004374
Hand 0.009843
Earth Circumference 0.00000000
Lightyear 0.00000000
Astronomical Unit 0.00000000
Lunar Distance 0.00000000
Parsec 0.00000000
Nautical Mile 0.00000054
Cable Length (int.) 0.00000540
Fathom 0.00054681
Rack Unit 0.0225
Light Nanosecond 0.003336
Boat Length (8+ Rowing) 0.00005292
Football Field 0.00001094