What is my IP? Whois and IP Geolocation

What is my IP address? IPv4 address lookup and geo location service. Fast port scan and Whois via ASN and DNS PTR record lookup. Free Geo Whois Service. Find provider, country and city for every IPv4 address.

Examples: Your IP,,,
Database Date: 2023-03-13

IPv4 Address Lookup - Whois - GeoIP

Country / Flag United States
City Columbus (/latlng)

Reverse DNS & Network

PTR Record (Reverse DNS) ec2-18-117-12-101.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com.
Check "amazonaws.com" with /dns util.
ASN 16509
ASN Organization AMAZON-02

What is a ASN?

ASN stands for "Autonomous System Number". Large networks (with unified routing policy), like ISPs and big companies, have such numbers to identify this networks. ASNs are unique 16 bit numbers between 1 and 65534 or 32 bit numbers between 131072 and 4294967294. ASNs are usually written with AS at the beginning and then the number, like AS13333.

What is a PTR Record?

A DNS pointer record (PTR) provides the domain name associated with an IP address. It is the opposite of an DNS A record and is used for reverse DNS lookups. Via reverse lookup you get the ISPs SOA record with name and email of the organisation responsible for the domain zone.

City Details Columbus

Geo Coordinates 39.9587 (Latitude)
-82.9987 (Longitude)
Accuracy Radius 1000 km
Post code 43215
Timezone America/New_York
Local datetime 2025-02-21 13:14:43 EST

Country Details United States

Continent North America
Capital city Washington D.C.
Country official United States of America
Country native United States (eng)
Population 338,289,857
Currencies USD: United States dollar ($)
Languages English (eng)
Calling Codes +1201
... 307 more.
Is Landlocked No
Area 9,372,610 km2
Borders to ... CAN
ISO Codes US (CCA2)
840 (CCN3)