Internal status page for all BEST-WEB-TOOLS tools.

HTTP checks for all the utils. Currently, 69 utils getting checked and 67 are working fine. Sadly 2 returning a HTTP 500 error 😥. I am on it as soon as possible.

/ 07:30:01 OK
/answer 07:30:02 OK
/base64 07:30:14 OK
/blog 07:30:16 OK
/browser 07:30:20 OK
/cal 07:30:07 OK
/clock 07:30:15 OK
/color 07:30:03 OK
/commodities 07:30:12 ERR (500)
/convert 07:30:13 OK
/cookies 07:30:18 OK
/count 07:30:14 OK
/countdown 07:30:16 OK
/countries 07:30:04 OK
/crypto 07:30:13 OK
/csp 07:30:19 OK
/date-calc 07:30:15 OK
/dict 07:30:06 OK
/distance 07:30:06 OK
/dns 07:30:04 OK
/docus 07:30:07 OK
/dst 07:30:04 OK
/elevation 07:30:25 OK
/emoji 07:30:11 OK
/etf 07:30:05 OK
/fake 07:30:25 OK
/feed 07:30:25 OK
/fetch 07:30:17 OK
/finsym 07:30:12 OK
/forex 07:30:13 ERR (500)
/gpx 07:30:25 OK
/holidays 07:30:15 OK
/image 07:30:03 OK
/ip 07:30:04 OK
/json 07:30:14 OK
/latlng 07:30:05 OK
/links 07:30:16 OK
/locate-me 07:30:06 OK
/mantra 07:30:02 OK
/md2pdf 07:30:14 OK
/memento 07:30:02 OK
/mixtape 07:30:26 OK
/movies 07:30:13 OK
/news 07:30:11 OK
/noise 07:30:11 OK
/outages 07:30:24 OK
/password 07:30:03 OK
/ping 07:30:04 OK
/ports 07:30:04 OK
/readme 07:30:01 OK
/recognize 07:30:02 OK
/save 07:30:18 OK
/savings 07:30:13 OK
/scratch 07:30:26 OK
/screenshot 07:30:18 OK
/series 07:30:13 OK
/speech2text 07:30:02 OK
/speed 07:30:19 OK
/statistics 07:30:01 OK
/stocks 07:30:11 OK
/stopwatch 07:30:15 OK
/str 07:30:13 OK
/texter 07:30:02 OK
/timestamp 07:30:15 OK
/tts 07:30:02 OK
/weather 07:30:15 OK
/webcam 07:30:14 OK
/webp 07:30:25 OK
/week 07:30:07 OK