Best Docus on YouTube
What to watch? Free and full-length documentaries on YouTube from original sources like the BBC, ABC News, Vice, ARTE and Netflix. Best docus on YouTube. Free docus. Full-length from original and truthworthy sources.
Best "War" Documentaries on YouTube
2023-11-05 / 22:23
30.9K / 950
Ang Lee’s Unique Approach to American Cinema | The VICE Guide to Film
ABC Four Corners
2021-05-03 / 44:24
47.2K / 942
Video gaming investigated: The sneaky tactics used to take your time and money | Four Corners
The Telegraph
2022-06-07 / 0:51
108.3K / 923
Ukraine war: US weapons fired at the frontline in eastern Donetsk region
The Telegraph
2022-06-13 / 1:13
124.8K / 911
Ukraine troops film first-person view of battle for Severodonetsk
DW Documentary
2024-07-30 / 28:26
27.9K / 907
Ice hockey in the Himalayas - Playing in the climate crisis | DW Documentary
The Telegraph
2022-06-30 / 1:10
59.2K / 882
Over 100 Ukrainian soldiers return after Russia's largest prisoner swap since beginning of the war
SWR Doku
2022-09-07 / 12:43
36.8K / 881
Warum mussten die jungen Polizisten in Kusel sterben? | Green Crime | SWR Doku
ARTEde Documentary
2024-10-22 / 43:15
83.6K / 879
Australiens Schlangen - Giftig und gefährlich | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE
2022-05-12 / 2:28
42.5K / 872
War Crimes Watch: Boy Survives Attempted Killing | FRONTLINE + AP
The Telegraph
2022-06-06 / 1:01
147K / 872
Russian troops use flamethrower launcher to shell Ukrainian forces in Mykolaiv
ABC Foreign Correspondent
2022-03-17 / 28:40
40.1K / 871
Chile's Secret War: Its First Nations are Fighting for Their Ancestral Lands | Foreign Correspondent
ARTEde Documentary
2022-10-14 / 2:31
43.8K / 851
Erdöl: Geopolitische Absprachen | Mit offenen Karten - Im Fokus | ARTE
ABC Foreign Correspondent
2021-07-29 / 30:32
31.8K / 846
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar: Six Months after the Coup | Foreign Correspondent
The New York Times
2021-10-13 / 4:26
51.3K / 845
Inside an Afghan School the U.S. Helped Build, Then Destroy | Afghanistan News
2022-06-01 / 4:47
25.4K / 844
Manipulieren Medien? Warum Interviews geschnitten werden | ZAPP | NDR
Puls Reportage
2024-07-06 / 0:50
28.3K / 826
Wann wart ihr das letzte Mal beim Hautarzt? 🤨 #pulsreportage #reportage #sonnenschutz
National Geographic
2023-10-03 / 3:25
29.8K / 809
Sailing through the Ice Gauntlet: The Maze of Icebergs | Explorer: Lost in the Arctic
ABC People & Profiles
2021-03-22 / 29:48
36.4K / 795
The Aussie human rights lawyer who has stood by Julian Assange for 10 years | Australian story
ARTEde Documentary
2024-07-16 / 26:09
44.8K / 790
Wer waren die Minoer auf Kreta? | Abenteuer Archäologie Reupload | ARTE