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A Life of Love, Courage & Fellowship.

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England, early 20th century. The future writer and philologist John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) and three of his schoolmates create a strong bond between them as they share the same passion for literature and art, a true fellowship that strengthens as they grow up, but the outbreak of World War I threatens to shatter it.

Production: Fox Searchlight Pictures, TSG Entertainment, Chernin Entertainment

Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Lily Collins, Colm Meaney, Derek Jacobi, Harry Gilby, Mimi Keene, Anthony Boyle, Adam Bregman

Crew: Dome Karukoski (Director), Stephen Beresford (Screenplay), David Gleeson (Screenplay), Jenno Topping (Producer), Peter Chernin (Producer), David Ready (Producer)

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