Geo Coordinates (Lat/Lng) for Columbus
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City | Country | Lat | Lng | Elevation |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 32.46098 | -84.98771 | 75 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 39.20144 | -85.92138 | 196 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 37.16923 | -94.84412 | 279 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 33.49567 | -88.42726 | 69 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 35.25317 | -82.19706 | 339 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 39.96118 | -82.99879 | 242 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 29.70662 | -96.53969 | 68 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 41.42973 | -97.36838 | 442 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 40.07261 | -74.72072 | 25 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 43.33805 | -89.01539 | 261 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 31.8276 | -107.64002 | 1239 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 45.63661 | -109.25211 | 1094 |
Columbus | United States πΊπΈ | 45.26522 | -93.05015 | 274 |