Free Emoji Search 😂ðŸĪŠðŸĪĐ

Search 😂ðŸĪŠðŸĪĐ by name and group. Full Emoji list and Unicode Emoji search.

Examples: heart, emotion, 1f615

Emoji Search

Suggestions from ChatGPT

😀 😀 Grinning Face happy, smile, joy
😄 😄 Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes happy, joy, laugh, pleased
😁 😁 Beaming Face With Smiling Eyes happy, smile, grin
😆 😆 Grinning Squinting Face happy, joy, haha
😅 😅 Grinning Face With Sweat relief, nervous, sweat


Á Á A With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
á á A With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ă ă A With Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ǎ ǎ A With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
  A With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
â â A With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ä Ä A With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ä ä A With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȧ ȧ A With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ạ A With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȁ ȁ A With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
À À A With Grave, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
à à A With Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ả A With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȃ ȃ A With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ā ā A With Macron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ą ą A With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ẚ A With Right Half Ring, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Å Å Ring Above, Latin Capital Letter A With Unicode
å å Ring Above, Latin Small Letter A With Unicode
ḁ Ring Below, Latin Small Letter A With Unicode
Ⱥ Ⱥ A With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
à à A With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ã ã A With Tilde, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͣ ͣ Superscript Letter Diacritics, Medieval Unicode
ᴀ Phonetic Extensions Unicode
ɑ ɑ Script A, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɐ ɐ Turned A, Latin Small Letter Unicode
՟ ՟ Patiw, Armenian Unicode
܏ ܏ Syriac Sam Unicode
॰ Abbreviation Sign, Devanagari Unicode
㍱ Squared Latin Abbreviations Unicode
ᢰ Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended Unicode
᐀ Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Unicode
̕ ̕ Right, Combining Comma Above Unicode
͘ ͘ Right, Combining Dot Above Unicode
̒ ̒ Turned Comma Above, Combining Unicode
͌ ͌ Equal To Above, Combining Almost Unicode
⃔ Counterclockwise Arrow Above, Combining Unicode
⃰ Combining Asterisk Above Unicode
͆ ͆ Ipa, Diacritics For Unicode
⃕ Combining Clockwise Arrow Above Unicode
̓ ̓ Smooth Breathing Mark, Greek Unicode
̇ ̇ Dot Above, Combining Unicode
̎ ̎ Vertical Line Above, Combining Double Unicode
⃜ Fourth Derivative Unicode
͋ ͋ Homothetic Above, Combining Unicode
̉ ̉ Hook Above, Combining Unicode
̚ ̚ Left Angle Above, Combining Unicode
⃖ Left Arrow Above, Combining Unicode
͑ ͑ Ring Above, Combining Left Half Unicode
⃐ Symbols, Diacritical Marks For Unicode
⃡ Right Arrow Above, Combining Left Unicode
͊ ͊ Tilde Above, Combining Not Unicode
̔ ̔ Rough Breathing Mark, Greek Unicode
⃗ Vector Unicode
͐ ͐ Uralic Phonetic Alphabet, Diacritics For Unicode
͗ ͗ Ring Above, Combining Right Half Unicode
⃑ Vector Unicode
̊ ̊ Ring Above, Combining Unicode
⃛ Three Dots Above, Combining Unicode
̍ ̍ Vertical Line Above, Combining Unicode
⃩ Wide Bridge Above, Combining Unicode
̽ ̽ X Above, Combining Unicode
͛ ͛ Zigzag Above, Combining Unicode
˙ ˙ Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fifth Or Neutral Unicode
̈ ̈ Umlaut Unicode
˚ ˚ Ring Above Unicode
̌ ̌ V Above Unicode
⪡ Continuity, Absolute Unicode
| | Vertical Line Unicode
〚 White Square Bracket, Left Unicode
〛 White Square Bracket, Right Unicode
⏦ Current, Ac Unicode
̗ ̗ Combining Acute Accent Below Unicode
̭ ̭ Combining Circumflex Accent Below Unicode
̖ ̖ Grave Accent Below, Combining Unicode
´ ´ Spacing Acute Accent Unicode
^ ^ Spacing Circumflex Accent Unicode
́ ́ Tonos, Greek Unicode
̂ ̂ Hat Unicode
̋ ̋ Double Acute Accent, Combining Unicode
̏ ̏ Grave Accent, Combining Double Unicode
̀ ̀ Varia, Greek Unicode
˝ ˝ Double Acute Accent Unicode
` ` Spacing Grave Accent Unicode
ˊ ˊ Tone, Mandarin Chinese Second Unicode
ˆ ˆ Circumflex Accent, Modifier Letter Unicode
˟ ˟ Swedish Grave Accent Unicode
ˋ ˋ Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fourth Unicode
ˏ ˏ Low Acute Accent, Modifier Letter Unicode
ˎ ˎ Low Grave Accent, Modifier Letter Unicode
🦮 🦮 Symbols, Accessibility Unicode
⛌ Accident Unicode
℀ Symbols, Letterlike Unicode
👤 👤 Symbols, Portrait And Role Unicode
👥 👥 Accounts Unicode
  Acknowledge Unicode
  Negative Acknowledge Unicode
␆ Acknowledge, Symbol For Unicode
␕ Negative Acknowledge, Symbol For Unicode
⁝ Tricolon Unicode
⃧ Combining Annuity Symbol Unicode
́ ́ Tone Mark, Combining Acute Unicode
ੱ Gurmukhi Addak Unicode
℁ Addressed To The Subject Unicode
☬ Khanda, Gurmukhi Unicode
𞤀 𞤀 Adlam Unicode
Æ Æ Ligature Ae, Latin Capital Unicode
ᴁ Small Capital Ae, Latin Letter Unicode
æ æ Small Ligature Ae, Latin Unicode
ᴂ Turned Ae, Latin Small Letter Unicode
𐄁 𐄁 Separator Dot, Aegean Word Unicode
𐄀 𐄀 Word Separators, Aegean Unicode
⚕ Staff Of Aesculapius Unicode
؋ ؋ Afghani Sign Unicode
ǀ ǀ Pipe Unicode
𑜀 𑜀 Ahom Unicode
ᴥ Latin Letter Ain Unicode
ㇰ Phonetic Extensions, Katakana Unicode
✈ Airplane Unicode
⅍ Aktieselskab Unicode
් Virama, Sinhala Unicode
⏰ Clock, Alarm Unicode
𐔰 𐔰 Albanian, Caucasian Unicode
🜀 🜀 Symbols, Alchemical Unicode
❦ Leaf, Aldus Unicode
ℵ Transfinite Cardinal, First Unicode
⚗ Alembic Unicode
👾 👾 Alien Monster Unicode
👽 👽 Extraterrestrial Alien Unicode
⌮ All Around-profile Unicode
≌ Equal To, All Unicode
∀ Universal Quantifier Unicode
≈ Equal To, Almost Unicode
≉ Not Almost Equal To Unicode
ɒ ɒ Turned Alpha, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ff Presentation Forms, Alphabetic Unicode
🄀 🄀 Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement Unicode
𝐀 𝐀 Symbols, Mathematical Alphanumeric Unicode
① Numbers, Circled Unicode
∿ Wave, Sine Unicode
⎇ Alternative Key Symbol Unicode
ǂ ǂ Pipe, Double-barred Unicode
◻ Always Unicode
& & Ampersand Unicode
🙰 🙰 Ligature-et Ornaments, Ampersand And Unicode
⅋ Turned Ampersand Unicode
𔐀 𔐀 Hieroglyphs, Anatolian Unicode
⚓ Harbor Symbol Unicode
 Interlinear Annotation Anchor Unicode
⸎ Symbols, Ancient Greek Textual Unicode
⋏ Logical And, Curly Unicode
∧ Wedge Unicode
⋀ Operators, N-ary Unicode
⩑ Ors, Logical Ands And Unicode
👼 👼 Baby Angel Unicode
💢 💢 Anger Symbol Unicode
๚ Thai Character Angkhankhu Unicode
∠ Angle Unicode
∢ Spherical Angle Unicode
͉ ͉ Left Angle Below, Combining Unicode
〈 Left Angle Bracket Unicode
《 Left Double Angle Bracket Unicode
〈 Left-pointing Angle Bracket Unicode
⟨ Sequence Bracket, Left Unicode
⟪ Left Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical Unicode
⟩ Sequence Bracket, Right Unicode
⟫ Right Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical Unicode
〉 Right Angle Bracket Unicode
》 Right Double Angle Bracket Unicode
〉 Right-pointing Angle Bracket Unicode
« « Quotation Mark, Left-pointing Double Angle Unicode
» » Right-pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark Unicode
‹ Single Left-pointing Angle Quotation Mark Unicode
› Single Right-pointing Angle Quotation Mark Unicode
❮ Quotation Marks, Ornamental Angle Unicode
⊾ Right Angle With Arc Unicode
∡ Measured Angle Unicode
∟ Right Angle Unicode
¬ ¬ Not Sign Unicode
⦛ Measured Angles, Angles And Unicode
Å Angstrom Sign Unicode
🐭 🐭 Mouse Face Unicode
🐀 🐀 Zodiac, Signs Of The Asian Unicode
🦀 🦀 Symbols, Animal Unicode
☥ Ankh Unicode
 Separator, Interlinear Annotation Unicode
ۖ ۖ Qur'anic Annotation Signs, Arabic Unicode
 Terminator, Interlinear Annotation Unicode
㆐ Kanbun Ideographic Annotation, Japanese Unicode
· · Midpoint Unicode
🐜 🐜 Ant Unicode
∳ Integral, Counterclockwise Contour Unicode
⨑ Integration, Counterclockwise Unicode
⃚ Ring Overlay, Combining Counterclockwise Unicode
Ↄ Claudian Antisigma Unicode
ँ Devanagari Sign Candrabindu Unicode
ं Devanagari Sign Anusvara Unicode
ំ Srak Am, Khmer Unicode
ཾ Tibetan Vocalic Modification Unicode
⌊ Left Floor Unicode
⌶ Symbols, Apl Functional Unicode
∘ Ring Operator Unicode
¯ ¯ Spacing Macron Unicode
' ' Single Quotation Mark, Neutral Unicode
∣ Vertical Lines Unicode
∼ Varies With Unicode
⌈ Upstile, Apl Unicode
’ Single Quotation Mark, Right Unicode
՚ ՚ Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Right Half Unicode
ʼ ʼ Glottal Stop Unicode
ˮ ˮ Double Apostrophe, Modifier Letter Unicode
Ÿ Ÿ Program Command, Application Unicode
⁡ Operators, Invisible Unicode
≐ Limit, Approaches The Unicode
≅ Equal To, Approximately Unicode
≗ Ring Equal To Unicode
♒ Aquarius Unicode
𐪀 𐪀 Arabian, Old North Unicode
𐩠 𐩠 Arabian, Old South Unicode
؀ ؀ Subtending Marks, Arabic Unicode
ء ء Arabic Alphabet Unicode
ٓ ٓ Combining Marks, Arabic Unicode
، ، Punctuation, Arabic Unicode
ﭐ Presentation Forms-a, Arabic Unicode
ﺀ Contextual Form Glyphs, Arabic Unicode
؍ ؍ Separator, Arabic Date Unicode
٫ ٫ Separator, Arabic Decimal Unicode
ࢠ Arabic Extended-a Unicode
ٱ ٱ Arabic Letters, Extended Unicode
۔ ۔ Full Stop, Arabic Unicode
ً ً Harakat, Arabic Unicode
ؐ ؐ Honorifics, Arabic Unicode
ـ ـ Tatweel, Arabic Unicode
ۀ ۀ Izafet Unicode
؜ ؜ Arabic Letter Mark Unicode
ݐ ݐ Arabic Supplement Unicode
﷽ Bismillah Ar-rahman Ar-raheem, Arabic Ligature Unicode
ﯪ Ligatures, Arabic Unicode
𞸀 𞸀 Symbols, Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Unicode
٬ ٬ Thousands Separator, Arabic Unicode
ﹰ Presentation Forms-b, Arabic Unicode
؟ ؟ Question Mark, Arabic Unicode
؛ ؛ Semicolon, Arabic Unicode
﮲ Arabic Spacing Diacritics Unicode
٠ ٠ Digits, Arabic-indic Unicode
۰ ۰ Eastern Arabic-indic Digits Unicode
𐡀 𐡀 Imperial Aramaic Unicode
⌒ Arc Unicode
̫ ̫ Inverted Double Arch Below, Combining Unicode
◜ Arcs Unicode
가 Syllables, Korean Hangul Unicode
㐀 Unified Ideographs Extension A, Cjk Unicode
⺀ Symbols, Area, Cjk Phonetics And Unicode
豈 Specials Area, Compatibility And Unicode
� Null Unicode
 Private Use Area Unicode
𠀀 𠀀 Unified Ideographs Extension B, Cjk Unicode
𐀀 𐀀 Syllabary, Linear B Unicode
� Surrogates, High Unicode
    Symbols, Area, Unicode
󰀀 󰀀 Supplementary Private Use Area-a Unicode
􀀀 􀀀 Supplementary Private Use Area-b Unicode
₳ Currency, Argentinian Former Unicode
♈ Zodiacal Symbols Unicode
԰ ԰ Armenian Alphabet Unicode
՜ ՜ Exclamation Mark, Armenian Unicode
՝ ՝ Comma, Armenian Unicode
Ա Ա Capital Letters, Armenian Unicode
՛ ՛ Shesht, Armenian Unicode
։ ։ Vertsaket, Armenian Unicode
՞ ՞ Question Mark, Armenian Unicode
֊ ֊ Yentamna, Armenian Unicode
ﬓ Ligatures, Armenian Unicode
ա ա Small Letters, Armenian Unicode
͢ ͢ Rightwards Arrow Below, Combining Double Unicode
⃮ Left Arrow Below, Combining Unicode
͍ ͍ Right Arrow Below, Combining Left Unicode
⃯ Right Arrow Below, Combining Unicode
͎ ͎ Upwards Arrow Below, Combining Unicode
➔ Dingbats, Arrow Unicode
◅ Indicator, Backward Arrow Unicode
▻ Indicator, Forward Arrow Unicode
⃪ Overlay, Combining Leftwards Arrow Unicode
↓ Ingressive Airflow Unicode
⌁ Transmission Symbol, End Of Unicode
← Leftwards Arrow Unicode
→ Total Function Unicode
↑ Upwards Arrow Unicode
͔ ͔ Left Arrowhead Below, Combining Unicode
͕ ͕ Right Arrowhead Below, Combining Unicode
⌄ Down Arrowhead Unicode
⌃ Up Arrowhead Unicode
˂ ˂ Arrowheads, Modifier Letter Unicode
⇍ Double Arrows Unicode
⟵ Long Arrows Unicode
⬰ Arrows, Mathematical Unicode
⬀ Arrows, Miscellaneous Unicode
🔀 🔀 User Interface Symbols Unicode
🔙 🔙 Arrows, Words With Unicode
⟰ Arrows-a Supplement Unicode
⤀ Surjection, Partial Unicode
🠀 🠀 Arrows-c, Supplemental Unicode
☊ Node, Ascending Unicode
0 0 Digits, Ascii Unicode
  Symbols, Ascii Punctuation And Unicode
! Fullwidth Ascii Variants Unicode
⊦ Reduces To Unicode
* * Star Unicode
͙ ͙ Combining Asterisk Below Unicode
✢ Dingbats, Asterisk Unicode
∗ Asterisk Operator Unicode
⊛ Circled Asterisk Operator Unicode
⁎ Low Asterisk Unicode
🞯 🞯 Asterisks Unicode
⁑ Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically Unicode
⁂ Asterism Unicode
⚳ Astrological Signs Unicode
༕ Tibetan Astrological Signs Unicode
☽ Symbols, Astrological Unicode
⣓ Astrological Symbols Unicode
☀ Weather, Clear Unicode
≃ Inequality Signs, Equality And Unicode
≄ Not Asymptotically Equal To Unicode
@ @ Commercial At Unicode
⚛ Atom Symbol Unicode
📷 📷 Video Symbols, Audio And Unicode
ऽ Devanagari Sign Avagraha Unicode
𐬀 𐬀 Avestan Unicode
ஃ Visarga, Tamil Sign Unicode
ḃ B With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḅ B With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ɓ Ɓ B With Hook, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ɓ ɓ B With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḇ B With Line Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ƀ Ƀ B With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ƀ ƀ Latin Extended-b Unicode
ƃ ƃ B With Topbar, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʙ ʙ B, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ᴃ Barred B, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ℬ Script Capital B Unicode
👶 👶 Baby Unicode
ɤ ɤ Rams Horn, Latin Small Letter Unicode
\ \ Solidus, Reverse Unicode
⃠ Prohibition Unicode
  Backspace Unicode
␈ Backspace, Symbol For Unicode
∇ Nabla Unicode
ΠΠPartial Line Backward Unicode
⊎ Union, Multiset Unicode
⟦ Mathematical Brackets Unicode
⟧ Right Bag Bracket Unicode
♯ Sharp Sign, Music Unicode
⋿ Z Notation Bag Membership Unicode
⩁ Subtraction, Bag Unicode
฿ ฿ Thai Currency Symbol Baht Unicode
ᬀ Balinese Unicode
᭐ Digits, Balinese Unicode
᭡ Symbols, Balinese Musical Unicode
☐ Box, Ballot Unicode
☑ Check, Ballot Box With Unicode
☒ X, Ballot Box With Unicode
🗳 🗳 Symbols, Ballot Unicode
✗ X, Ballot Unicode
✘ X, Heavy Ballot Unicode
ꚠ Bamum Unicode
𖠀 𖠀 Bamum Supplement Unicode
! ! Factorial Unicode
❘ Vertical Bar Dingbats Unicode
⧮ Symbols, Error Bar Unicode
¦ ¦ Vertical Bar, Broken Unicode
― Quotation Dash Unicode
⫾ White Vertical Bar Unicode
💈 💈 Barber Pole Unicode
Ɵ Ɵ O, Latin Capital Letter Barred Unicode
ɵ ɵ O, Latin Small Letter Barred Unicode
⊥ Up Tack Unicode
⚾ Baseball Unicode
♩ Symbols, Basic Musical Unicode
𖫐 𖫐 Bassa Vah Unicode
🦇 🦇 Bat Unicode
ᯀ Batak Unicode
🔋 🔋 Battery Unicode
⚔ Swords, Crossed Unicode
⛱ Umbrella On Ground Unicode
♫ Quavers, Beamed Unicode
♬ Sixteenth Notes, Beamed Unicode
🐻 🐻 Bear Face Unicode
∵ Because Unicode
🐄 🐄 Cow Unicode
  Bell Unicode
🔔 🔔 Bell Unicode
⍾ Bell Symbol Unicode
␇ Bell, Symbol For Unicode
̮ ̮ Combining Breve Below Unicode
̪ ̪ Combining Bridge Below Unicode
̬ ̬ Combining Caron Below Unicode
̦ ̦ Comma Below, Combining Unicode
̤ ̤ Diaeresis Below, Combining Unicode
̣ ̣ Dot Below, Combining Unicode
͜ ͜ Tie Below, Ligature Unicode
͟ ͟ Macron Below, Combining Double Unicode
͚ ͚ Ring Below, Combining Double Unicode
͈ ͈ Vertical Line Below, Combining Double Unicode
̞ ̞ Tack Below, Combining Down Unicode
͇ ͇ Equals Sign Below, Combining Unicode
̯ ̯ Inverted Breve Below, Combining Unicode
̺ ̺ Inverted Bridge Below, Combining Unicode
̜ ̜ Ring Below, Combining Left Half Unicode
̘ ̘ Tack Below, Combining Left Unicode
̱ ̱ Macron Below, Combining Unicode
̠ ̠ Minus Sign Below, Combining Unicode
̡ ̡ Palatalized Hook Below, Combining Unicode
̟ ̟ Plus Sign Below, Combining Unicode
̢ ̢ Retroflex Hook Below, Combining Unicode
̹ ̹ Ring Below, Combining Right Half Unicode
̙ ̙ Tack Below, Combining Right Unicode
̥ ̥ Ring Below, Combining Unicode
̼ ̼ Seagull Below, Combining Unicode
̻ ̻ Square Below, Combining Unicode
̰ ̰ Tilde Below, Combining Unicode
̝ ̝ Up Tack Below, Combining Unicode
̩ ̩ Vertical Line Below, Combining Unicode
͓ ͓ X Below, Combining Unicode
ɬ ɬ L With Belt, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ঀ Bengali Unicode
ক Bengali Consonants Unicode
৲ Rupee Mark, Bengali Unicode
া Bengali Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
০ Digits, Bengali Unicode
্ Hasant, Bengali Unicode
অ Bengali Independent Vowels Unicode
৺ Isshar, Bengali Unicode
৳ Rupee Sign, Bengali Unicode
⌬ Ring, Benzene Unicode
ℶ Transfinite Cardinal, Second Unicode
ϐ ϐ Greek Variant Letterforms Unicode
OOP; &#xBOOP; Betty Unicode
≬ Quantic Unicode
🍵 🍵 Symbols, Beverage Unicode
☕ Tea, Cup Of Unicode
𑰀 𑰀 Bhaiksuki Unicode
‪ Lre Unicode
兀 Duplicate Characters From Big 5 Unicode
⧹ Solidus, Big Reverse Unicode
⧸ Solidus, Big Unicode
⤖ Bijection Unicode
ʘ ʘ Latin Letter Bullseye Unicode
ʬ ʬ Percussive, Latin Letter Bilabial Unicode
☣ Biohazard Sign Unicode
🐦 🐦 Bird Unicode
᠀ Punctuation, Mongolian Unicode
₿ Bitcoin Sign Unicode
● Circle, Black Unicode
⚫ Medium Black Circle Unicode
⚑ Flag, Black Unicode
🖤 🖤 Heart, Black Unicode
⧗ Hourglass, Black Unicode
☚ Symbols, Pointing Hand Unicode
⁌ Leftwards Bullet, Black Unicode
【 Lenticular Bracket, Left Black Unicode
】 Right Black Lenticular Bracket Unicode
⧫ Lozenge, Black Unicode
◾ Square, Black Medium Small Unicode
◼ Square, Black Medium Unicode
✒ Nib, Black Unicode
▰ Parallelogram, Black Unicode
☛ Right Pointing Index, Black Unicode
⁍ Rightwards Bullet, Black Unicode
✂ Scissors, Black Unicode
☗ Shogi Piece, Black Unicode
• Small Circle, Black Unicode
☻ Smiling Face, Black Unicode
★ Star, Black Unicode
☎ Telephone, Black Unicode
ℭ C, Black-letter Capital Unicode
ℌ Space, Hilbert Unicode
ℑ Imaginary Part Unicode
ℜ Real Part Unicode
ℨ Z, Black-letter Capital Unicode
𝔄 𝔄 Symbols, Fraktur Mathematical Unicode
␢ Blank Symbol Unicode
▀ Block Elements Unicode
  Transmission Block, End Of Unicode
█ Solid Unicode
␗ Transmission Block, Symbol For End Of Unicode
🐡 🐡 Blowfish Unicode
🐗 🐗 Boar Unicode
⛴ Sailboat Unicode
Ⲁ Coptic, Bohairic Unicode
𝟎 𝟎 Symbols, Mathematical Digits Unicode
𝟬 𝟬 Sans-serif Bold Digits Unicode
𝕬 𝕬 Symbols, Bold Fraktur Mathematical Unicode
𝚨 𝚨 Symbols, Greek Mathematical Unicode
𝝖 𝝖 Symbols, Sans-serif Bold Greek Mathematical Unicode
𝜜 𝜜 Symbols, Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Unicode
𝞐 𝞐 Symbols, Sans-serif Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Unicode
𝑨 𝑨 Symbols, Bold Italic Mathematical Unicode
𝘼 𝘼 Symbols, Sans-serif Bold Italic Mathematical Unicode
𝗔 𝗔 Symbols, Sans-serif Bold Mathematical Unicode
𝓐 𝓐 Symbols, Bold Script Mathematical Unicode
  Zwnbsp Unicode
💣 💣 Bomb Unicode
🕮 🕮 Book Unicode
📕 📕 Books Unicode
🪃 🪃 Boomerang Unicode
ㆠ Chinese Bopomofo Extensions Unicode
㄀ Chinese Bopomofo Unicode
⋈ Bowtie Unicode
⧑ Symbols, Bowtie Unicode
⨝ Large Bowtie Unicode
⧖ White Framus Unicode
─ Form And Chart Components Unicode
␣ Space, Graphic For Unicode
⍽ Space, Keyboard Symbol For No Break Unicode
⌧ X In A Rectangle Box Unicode
👦 👦 Boy Unicode
} } Right Curly Bracket Unicode
{ { Opening Curly Bracket Unicode
⎛ Bracket Pieces Unicode
⎰ Moustache, Left Unicode
⏜ Vertical Text, Bracket Variants For Unicode
⁅ Square Bracket With Quill, Left Unicode
⁆ Square Bracket With Quill, Right Unicode
] ] Square Bracket, Right Unicode
「 Quotation Marks, Cjk Unicode
[ [ Square Bracket, Opening Unicode
〔 Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left Unicode
『 White Corner Bracket, Left Unicode
⦃ White Curly Bracket, Left Unicode
〖 White Lenticular Bracket, Left Unicode
〘 White Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left Unicode
」 Right Corner Bracket Unicode
〕 Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right Unicode
』 White Corner Bracket, Right Unicode
⦄ White Curly Bracket, Right Unicode
〗 White Lenticular Bracket, Right Unicode
〙 White Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right Unicode
⎴ Horizontal Brackets Unicode
❨ Ornamental Brackets Unicode
𑀀 𑀀 Brahmi Unicode
⠀ Braille Patterns Unicode
₢ Currency, Brazilian Unicode
ƒ ƒ No Break Here Unicode
‚ Break Permitted Here Unicode
˘ ˘ Spacing Clones Of Diacritics Unicode
᷼ Combining Double Inverted Breve Below Unicode
̆ ̆ Vrachy, Greek Unicode
͝ ͝ Double Breve, Combining Unicode
͡ ͡ Tie, Ligature Unicode
̑ ̑ Inverted Breve, Combining Unicode
👰 👰 Bride With Veil Unicode
💨 💨 Briffits Unicode
🥉 🥉 Bronze Medal Unicode
🗨 🗨 Symbols, Speech And Thought Bubble Unicode
🙠 🙠 Bud Ornaments, Pointing Unicode
🐛 🐛 Bug Unicode
ᨀ Buginese Unicode
ᝀ Buhid Unicode
🏔 🏔 Symbols, Building And Map Unicode
🏠 🏠 Symbols, Building And Map Unicode
∙ Bullet Operator Unicode
⁃ Hyphen Bullet Unicode
☙ Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet Unicode
◉ Tainome Japanese Bullet Unicode
‣ Triangular Bullet Unicode
◦ White Bullet Unicode
◎ Bullseye Unicode
🞋 🞋 Target, Round Unicode
⚰ Coffin Unicode
က က Myanmar Consonants Unicode
🦋 🦋 Butterfly Unicode
≜ Equiangular Unicode
≝ Equal To By Definition Unicode
≞ Measured By Unicode
𝀀 𝀀 Symbols, Byzantine Musical Unicode
ć ć C With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
č č C With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ç Ç Cedilla, Latin Capital Letter C With Unicode
ç ç Cedilla, Latin Small Letter C With Unicode
ĉ ĉ C With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɕ ɕ C With Curl, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ċ ċ C With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ƈ ƈ C With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ȼ Ȼ C With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ȼ ȼ C With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͨ ͨ C, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
ℂ Set Of Complex Numbers, The Unicode
ᴄ C, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ʗ ʗ Stretched C, Latin Letter Unicode
ↄ Reversed C, Latin Small Letter Unicode
€ Control Codes, C1 Unicode
℆ Cada Una Unicode
☤ Caduceus Unicode
🤙 🤙 Call Me Hand Unicode
ក Khmer Consonants Unicode
🐫 🐫 Camel, Bactrian Unicode
🐪 🐪 Camel, Dromedary Unicode
⛺ Tent Unicode
᙮ Syllabics Full Stop, Canadian Unicode
᙭ Syllabics Punctuation, Canadian Unicode
  Cancel Unicode
” Cancel Character Unicode
󠁿 󠁿 Cancel Tag Unicode
␘ Cancel, Symbol For Unicode
໌ Lao Cancellation Mark Unicode
🗙 🗙 X, Cancellation Unicode
♋ Cancer Unicode
̐ ̐ Combining Candrabindu Unicode
֑ ֑ Hebrew Cantillation Marks Unicode
࿀ Tibetan Cantillation Signs Unicode
∩ Intersection Unicode
⊓ Square Cap Unicode
Ѐ Ѐ Cyrillic Capital Letters Unicode
Ⴀ Khutsuri, Georgian Unicode
Α Α Greek Capital Letters Unicode
A A Uppercase Alphabet, Latin Unicode
⸿ ⸿ Capitulum Unicode
♑ Capricorn Unicode
⇪ Lock, Caps Unicode
⇬ Lock, Caps Unicode
⮸ Caps Lock Unicode
⛐ Icy Road Unicode
⛍ Car, Disabled Unicode
♠ Symbols, Playing Card Unicode
ℸ Transfinite Cardinal, Fourth Unicode
ℷ Transfinite Cardinal, Third Unicode
🂠 🂠 Playing Cards Unicode
℅ Care Of Unicode
ʌ ʌ Wedge Unicode
‸ Caret Unicode
⁁ Insertion Point, Caret Unicode
𐊠 𐊠 Carian Unicode
ˇ ˇ Tone, Mandarin Chinese Third Unicode

 Return, Carriage Unicode
␍ Return, Symbol For Carriage Unicode
× × Product, Cartesian Unicode
⛫ Castle Unicode
🐈 🐈 Cat Unicode
🐱 🐱 Cat Face Unicode
😸 😸 Cat Faces Unicode
🛆 🛆 Caution Unicode
☡ Caution Sign Unicode
💿 💿 Optical Disc Unicode
₵ Ghana Currency Unicode
¸ ¸ Spacing Cedilla Unicode
̧ ̧ Combining Cedilla Unicode
⌉ Right Ceiling Unicode
🎀 🎀 Symbols, Celebration Unicode
℃ Degrees Centigrade Unicode
⛼ Headstone Graveyard Symbol Unicode
¢ ¢ Cent Sign Unicode
⎅ Center Unicode
℄ Line Symbol, Centre Unicode
﹎ Low Line, Centreline Unicode
﹊ Overline, Centreline Unicode
͏ ͏ Joiner, Combining Grapheme Unicode
⛓ Chains Unicode
𑄀 𑄀 Chakma Unicode
ꨀ Cham Unicode
് Virama, Malayalam Sign Unicode
š š Single Character Introducer Unicode
	 Tabulation, Horizontal Unicode
ˆ ˆ Tabulation Set, Character Unicode
‰ Tabulation With Justification, Character Unicode
⁀ Tie, Character Unicode
✓ Check Mark Unicode
✔ Heavy Check Mark Unicode
⍻ Not Check Mark Unicode
🙾 🙾 Checker Board Unicode
⛀ Draughts And Checkers, Symbols For Unicode
🧀 🧀 Cheese Wedge Unicode
Ꭰ Syllables, Cherokee Unicode
ꭰ Cherokee Supplement Unicode
♔ Symbols, Chess Unicode
🩠 🩠 Xiangqi Chess Symbols, Chinese Unicode
☖ White Shogi Piece Unicode
🨀 🨀 Symbols, Chess Unicode
☧ Cross, Constantine's Unicode
🐤 🐤 Chick, Baby Unicode
🐥 🐥 Chick, Front-facing Baby Unicode
🐣 🐣 Chick, Hatching Unicode
🐔 🐔 Poultry (on Menus) Unicode
ൺ Malayalam Chillu Letters Unicode
ˉ ˉ Tone, Mandarin Chinese First Unicode
🉠 🉠 Chinese Folk Religion Symbols Unicode
꜀ Tone Marks For Chinese, Corner Unicode
🐿 🐿 Chipmunk Unicode
⫿ ⫿ White Vertical Bar, N-ary Unicode
𐾰 𐾰 Chorasmian Unicode
🎄 🎄 Christmas Tree Unicode
🎅 🎅 Santa Claus Unicode
⛪ Church Unicode
⭕ Circle Signs, Heavy Unicode
⦵ Symbols, Circle Unicode
⃝ Jis Composition Circle Unicode
◌ Dotted Circle Unicode
◯ Large Circle Unicode
⚬ White Circle, Medium Small Unicode
⚪ White Circle, Medium Unicode
❍ White Circle, Shadowed Unicode
○ White Circle Unicode
⛒ Road Closed Unicode
⊝ Dash, Circled Unicode
⓪ Zero, Circled Digit Unicode
❶ Numbers, Circled Inverse Unicode
⨸ Division Sign, Circled Unicode
⊘ Slash, Circled Division Unicode
⊙ Vector Pointing Out Of Page Unicode
⨀ Supplemental Mathematical Operators Unicode
⊜ Equals, Circled Unicode
㊀ Ideographs, Circled Unicode
㋐ Katakana, Circled Unicode
㉠ Korean Hangul Letters, Circled Unicode
㉮ Syllables, Circled Korean Hangul Unicode
🄫 🄫 Latin Letters, Circled Unicode
Ⓐ Latin Letters, Circled Unicode
⊖ Symmetric Difference Unicode
㉑ Numbers, Circled Unicode
㊱ Numbers, Circled Unicode
⓵ Numbers, Double Circled Unicode
⓫ White On Black Circled Numbers Unicode
⊕ Vector Pointing Into Page Unicode
⨁ Circled Plus Operator, N-ary Unicode
〶 Type B Electronics, Symbol For Unicode
⊚ Ring Operator, Circled Unicode
⊗ Vector Pointing Into Page Unicode
⨂ Circled Times Operator, N-ary Unicode
㌀ Words, Squared Katakana Unicode
︰ Vertical Variants, Glyphs For Unicode
丽 丽 Ideographs Supplement, Cjk Compatibility Unicode
〪 Tone Marks, Ideographic Unicode
⿰ Ideographic Description Characters, Cjk Unicode
㈠ Parenthesized Cjk Ideographs Unicode
⼀ Radicals, Cjk Kangxi Unicode
㈀ Parenthesized Korean Hangul Letters Unicode
。 Punctuation, Halfwidth Cjk Unicode
㇀ Strokes, Cjk Unicode
    Symbols And Punctuation, Cjk Unicode
一 Unified Ideographs, Cjk Unicode
𪜀 𪜀 Unified Ideographs Extension C, Cjk Unicode
𫝀 𫝀 Unified Ideographs Extension D, Cjk Unicode
𫠠 𫠠 Ideographs Extension E, Cjk Unified Unicode
𬺰 𬺰 Ideographs Extension F, Cjk Unified Unicode
𰀀 𰀀 Ideographs Extension G, Cjk Unified Unicode
👏 👏 Clapping Hands Sign Unicode
Ⅎ Turned Capital F Unicode
⎚ Screen Symbol, Clear Unicode
ǁ ǁ Pipe, Double Unicode
ǃ ǃ Retroflex Click, Latin Letter Unicode
🕐 🕐 Symbols, Clock Face Unicode
∲ Integral, Clockwise Contour Unicode
∱ Integral, Clockwise Unicode
⃙ Ring Overlay, Combining Clockwise Unicode
⁐ Up, Close Unicode
ʚ ʚ Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed Unicode
ɷ ɷ Omega, Latin Small Letter Closed Unicode
ɞ ɞ Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed Unicode
〆 Ideographic Closing Mark Unicode
) ) Right Parenthesis Unicode
👑 👑 Clothing And Accessories Unicode
☁ Weather, Cloudy Unicode
⛅ Sun Behind Cloud Unicode
💥 💥 Collision Symbol Unicode
: : Colon Unicode
≔ Equals, Colon Unicode
⧴ Rule-delayed Unicode
₡ El Salvadorian Currency Unicode
≕ Equals Colon Unicode
፥ Ethiopic Colon Unicode
፦ Ethiopic Preface Colon Unicode
ˑ ˑ Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter Half Unicode
ː ː Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter Unicode
᠄ Mongolian Colon Unicode
⦂ Z Notation Type Colon Unicode
🟠 🟠 Colored Shapes Unicode
ᄀ Korean Hangul Jamo Combining Alphabet Unicode
҃ ҃ Cyrillic Combining Characters Unicode
︦ Conjoining Macron, Combining Unicode
᪰ Combining Diacritical Marks Extended Unicode
̳ ̳ Underscore, Double Unicode
͞ ͞ Macron, Combining Double Unicode
̿ ̿ Overline, Combining Double Unicode
͠ ͠ Tilde, Combining Double Unicode
⃦ Vertical Stroke Overlay, Combining Double Unicode
⃟ Enclosing Diamond, Combining Unicode
⃣ Keycap, Combining Enclosing Unicode
⃢ Screen, Combining Enclosing Unicode
⃞ Square, Combining Enclosing Unicode
⃤ Upward Pointing Triangle, Combining Enclosing Unicode
͒ ͒ Fermata, Combining Unicode
̀ ̀ Tone Mark, Combining Grave Unicode
̈́ ̈́ Tonos, Combining Greek Dialytika Unicode
̓ ̓ Koronis, Combining Greek Unicode
͂ ͂ Perispomeni, Combining Greek Unicode
ͅ ͅ Ypogegrammeni, Combining Greek Unicode
︠ Marks, Combining Half Unicode
︧ Combining Half Marks Below Unicode
̛ ̛ Horn, Combining Unicode
゙ Daku-on, Combining Japanese Unicode
゚ Han-daku-on, Combining Japanese Unicode
⃭ Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining Unicode
⃫ Solidus Overlay, Combining Long Double Unicode
̸ ̸ Solidus Overlay, Combining Long Unicode
̶ ̶ Stroke Overlay, Combining Long Unicode
⃒ Vertical Line Overlay, Combining Long Unicode
̲ ̲ Underscore Unicode
̄ ̄ Macron, Combining Unicode
︤ Macron Left Half, Combining Unicode
︥ Macron Right Half, Combining Unicode
፝ Ethiopic Combining Marks Unicode
̨ ̨ Ogonek, Combining Unicode
̅ ̅ Vinculum Unicode
⃥ Solidus Overlay, Combining Reverse Unicode
⃬ Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining Unicode
⃘ Ring Overlay, Combining Unicode
̷ ̷ Solidus Overlay, Combining Short Unicode
̵ ̵ Stroke Overlay, Combining Short Unicode
⃓ Vertical Line Overlay, Combining Short Unicode
̃ ̃ Tilde, Combining Unicode
̴ ̴ Tilde Overlay, Combining Unicode
⃨ Underdot, Combining Triple Unicode
̾ ̾ Vertical Tilde, Combining Unicode
🎭 🎭 Theater Masks Unicode
☄ Comet Unicode
💠 💠 Symbols, Comic Style Unicode
, , Separator, Decimal Unicode
” Right Double Quotation Mark Unicode
‟ Reversed Comma Quotation Mark, Double Unicode
“ Turned Comma Quotation Mark, Double Unicode
„ Quotation Mark, Low Double Comma Unicode
‚ Single Low-9 Quotation Mark Unicode
‛ Single Reversed Comma Quotation Mark Unicode
‘ Turned Comma Quotation Mark, Single Unicode
፣ Ethiopic Comma Unicode
、 Ideographic Comma Unicode
⁣ Separator, Invisible Unicode
ʽ ʽ Reversed Comma, Modifier Letter Unicode
ʻ ʻ Turned Comma, Modifier Letter Unicode
᠂ Mongolian Comma Unicode
᠈ Mongolian Manchu Comma Unicode
⹁ Comma, Reversed Unicode
⌘ Place Of Interest Sign Unicode
  Operating System Command Unicode
⁒ Piska Unicode
📝 📝 Symbols, Communication Unicode
🕻 🕻 Symbols, Communication Unicode
☼ White Sun With Rays Unicode
並 Ideographs, Dprk Compatibility Unicode
侮 Jis X 0213 Compatibility Ideographs Unicode
㄰ Korean Hangul Compatibility Jamo Unicode
∁ Complement Unicode
⟟ Radial Component Unicode
⎄ Composition Symbol Unicode
🖥 🖥 Symbols, Computer Component Unicode
⌲ Taper, Conical Unicode
⊹ Matrix, Hermitian Conjugate Unicode
☌ Conjunction Unicode
π π Pi, Mathematical Constant 3.141592... Unicode
ℇ Euler Constant Unicode
ℎ Planck Constant Unicode
⛏ Pick Unicode
👷 👷 Hardhat Unicode
∋ Such That Unicode
∍ Small Contains As Member Unicode
⊳ Subgroup, Contains As Normal Unicode
⎁ Underline Symbol, Continuous Unicode
∮ Integral, Contour Unicode
⎈ Helm Symbol Unicode
◰ Quadrant Control Code Graphics Unicode
␀ Pictures For Control Codes, Graphic Unicode
› Sequence Introducer, Control Unicode
᠋ Variation Selector One, Mongolian Free Unicode
∐ N-ary Coproduct Unicode
𐋠 𐋠 Coptic Epact Numbers Unicode
Ϣ Ϣ Demotic, Coptic Letters Derived From Unicode
Ⲳ Coptic, Extended Unicode
🄯 🄯 Copyleft Symbol Unicode
© © Copyright Sign Unicode
℗ Sound Recording Copyright Unicode
⌜ Quine Corners Unicode
≘ Corresponds To Unicode
≙ Estimates Unicode
⌴ Counterbore Unicode
⌵ Countersink Unicode
🐮 🐮 Cow Face Unicode
🅭 🅭 Creative Commons Symbols Unicode
௷ Varavu, Tamil Unicode
⚱ Urn, Funeral Unicode
🌙 🌙 Moon, Crescent Unicode
☪ Star And Crescent Unicode
DŽ DŽ Digraphs Matching Serbian Cyrillic Letters, Croatian Unicode
🐊 🐊 Crocodile Unicode
⌌ Crops Unicode
✙ Dingbats, Cross Unicode
❌ Cross Mark Unicode
☩ Jerusalem, Cross Of Unicode
☨ Lorraine, Cross Of Unicode
🕂 🕂 Cross Pommee Unicode
℞ Take, Prescription Unicode
⁜ Dotted Cross Unicode
♱ Syriac Cross, East Unicode
🕇 🕇 Cross, Heavy Latin Unicode
✝ Latin Cross Unicode
† Dagger Unicode
✠ Maltese Cross Unicode
☦ Symbols, Religious And Political Unicode
☓ St. Andrew's Cross Unicode
♰ West Syriac Cross Unicode
🕆 🕆 Cross, White Latin Unicode
🤞 🤞 Fingers Crossed Unicode
🞡 🞡 Greek Crosses Unicode
# # Pound Sign Unicode
𝅘𝅥 𝅘𝅥 Crotchet Unicode
Ⳬ Cryptogrammic Letters Unicode
∛ Root, Cube Unicode
³ ³ Three, Superscript Unicode
🗻 🗻 Symbols, Cultural Unicode
𒀀 𒀀 Cuneiform Unicode
𒐀 𒐀 Punctuation, Cuneiform Numbers And Unicode
𒒀 𒒀 Cuneiform, Early Dynastic Unicode
∪ Union Unicode
⛾ Drive-in Restaurant Unicode
⊔ Square Cup Unicode
⋎ Or, Curly Logical Unicode
¤ ¤ Currency Sign Unicode
៛ Riel, Khmer Currency Symbol Unicode
ƒ ƒ Script F, Latin Small Letter Unicode
₠ Symbols, Currency Unicode
֏ ֏ Dram Sign, Armenian Unicode
₼ Manat Sign Unicode
€ Euro Sign Unicode
₣ Franc Sign, French Unicode
₾ Lari Sign Unicode
₯ Greek Currency Unicode
₨ Rupee Sign Unicode
﷼ Rial Sign Unicode
₪ Sheqel Sign, New Unicode
₤ Lira Sign Unicode
₩ Won Sign Unicode
₭ Laotian Currency Unicode
₮ Tugrik Sign Unicode
₦ Nigerian Currency Unicode
₲ Paraguayan Currency Unicode
₱ Phillipine Currency Unicode
₽ Ruble Sign Unicode
₧ Spanish Currency Unicode
₴ Ukrainian Currency Unicode
₫ Vietnamese Currency Unicode
⎓ Direct Current Symbol Form Two Unicode
↡ Form Feed Unicode
↞ Left, Fast Cursor Unicode
↠ Total Surjection Unicode
↟ Up, Fast Cursor Unicode
⌭ Symbols, Drafting Unicode
𐠀 𐠀 Syllabary, Cypriot Unicode
ⷠ Cyrillic Extended-a Unicode
Ꙁ Cyrillic Extended-b Unicode
ᲀ Cyrillic Extended-c Unicode
ѐ ѐ Cyrillic Extensions Unicode
Ҋ Ҋ Cyrillic Extensions Unicode
Ѡ Ѡ Cyrillic Historic Letters Unicode
а а Small Letters, Cyrillic Unicode
Ԁ Ԁ Komi Letters Unicode
︮ Titlo Left Half, Combining Cyrillic Unicode
ɖ ɖ Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter D Unicode
ď ď D With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḑ D With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḓ D With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȡ ȡ D With Curl, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḋ D With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḍ D With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ɗ Ɗ D With Hook, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ɗ ɗ D With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḏ D With Line Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
đ đ D With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ƌ ƌ D With Topbar, Latin Small Letter Unicode
⧠ D'alembertian Unicode
ͩ ͩ D, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
ⅅ Symbols, Double-struck Italic Mathematical Unicode
ⅆ D, Double-struck Italic Small Unicode
Ɖ Ɖ D, Latin Capital Letter African Unicode
ᴅ D, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
‡ Double Dagger Unicode
゛ Daku-on, Japanese Unicode
। Viram, Devanagari Purna Unicode
॥ Viram, Devanagari Deergh Unicode
— Em Dash Unicode
– En Dash Unicode
‒ Figure Dash Unicode
⸺ Two-em Dash Unicode
⁓ Swung Dash Unicode
〜 Wave Dash Unicode
〰 Wavy Dash Unicode
﹍ Low Line, Dashed Unicode
﹉ Underscores, Overscores And Unicode
‐ Hyphen Unicode
  Escape, Data Link Unicode
␐ Escape, Symbol For Data Link Unicode
⟕ Operators, Database Theory Unicode
✡ Stars Unicode
௳ Tamil Symbols Unicode
㏠ Telegraph Symbols For Days, Ideographic Unicode
ȸ ȸ Latin Small Letter Db Digraph Unicode
௶ Tamil Patru Unicode
⏨ Decimal Exponent Symbol Unicode
. . Point, Decimal Unicode
⎖ Symbols, Keyboard Unicode
⏷ Decrease Unicode
℉ Fahrenheit, Degree Unicode
° ° Degree Sign Unicode
  Delete Unicode
␥ Delete Form Two, Symbol For Unicode
⌫ Left, Erase To The Unicode
⌦ Right, Erase To The Unicode
␡ Delete, Symbol For Unicode
ƍ ƍ Turned Delta, Latin Small Letter Unicode
⎾ Symbols, Dentistry Notation Unicode
↧ Depth Symbol Unicode
☋ Node, Descending Unicode
𐐀 𐐀 Deseret Unicode
ऀ Devanagari Unicode
क Devanagari Consonants Unicode
ा Devanagari Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
० Digits, Devanagari Unicode
꣠ Devanagari Extended Unicode
॑ Vedic Tone Marks Unicode
ऄ Devanagari Independent Vowels Unicode
ॐ Om, Devanagari Unicode
़ Nukta, Devanagari Sign Unicode
् Virama, Devanagari Sign Unicode
ः Visarga, Devanagari Sign Unicode
  Device Controls Unicode
␑ Device Controls, Symbols For Unicode
☸ Wheel Of Dharma Unicode
¨ ¨ Spacing Diaeresis Unicode
⋱ Right Diagonal Ellipsis, Down Unicode
⋰ Up Right Diagonal Ellipsis Unicode
⌀ Technical, Miscellaneous Unicode
⋄ Diamond Operator Unicode
◆ Diamonds Unicode
🞗 🞗 Diamonds Unicode
⬥ Diamonds And Lozenges Unicode
⚀ Dice Unicode
⚐ White Flag Unicode
⸚ Dictionary Punctuation Unicode
≏ Difference Between Unicode
⨤ Sum, Positive Difference Or Unicode
∆ Symmetric Difference Unicode
⨦ Sum Or Positive Difference Unicode
∸ Symmetric Difference Unicode
∂ Partial Differential Unicode
༪ Tibetan Digits Minus Half Unicode
𝟘 𝟘 Double-struck Digits Unicode
፩ Numbers, Ethiopic Unicode
૦ Gujarati Digits Unicode
੦ Gurmukhi Digits Unicode
೦ Kannada Digits Unicode
𐩀 𐩀 Kharoshthi Digits Unicode
០ Khmer Digits Unicode
໐ Lao Digits Unicode
᥆ Limbu Digits Unicode
൦ Malayalam Digits Unicode
᠐ Mongolian Digits Unicode
𝟶 𝟶 Monospace Digits Unicode
၀ Myanmar Digits Unicode
᧐ Tai Lue Digits, New Unicode
୦ Oriya Digits Unicode
𐒠 𐒠 Osmanya Digits Unicode
𝟢 𝟢 Sans-serif Digits Unicode
₀ Subscripts Unicode
⁰ Zero, Superscript Unicode
௧ Tamil Numbers Unicode
౦ Telugu Digits Unicode
๐ Thai Digits Unicode
༠ Tibetan Digits Unicode
⚊ Yijing / I Ching Monogram And Digram Symbols Unicode
ʣ ʣ Phonetic Digraphs Unicode
װ װ Yiddish Digraphs Unicode
⌱ Origin, Dimension Unicode
✀ Zapf Dingbats Series 100, Itc Unicode
☠ Warning Signs Unicode
❣ Ornaments, Heart Unicode
🙐 🙐 Ornamental Dingbats Unicode
✎ Right Pencil, Lower Unicode
❛ Quotation Mark Ornaments Unicode
✁ Upper Blade Scissors Unicode
❄ Snowflake Dingbats Unicode
✦ Star Dingbats Unicode
🍽 🍽 Fork And Knife With Plate Unicode
‬ Pop Directional Formatting Unicode
⁩ Pop Directional Isolate Unicode
⎂ Underline Symbol, Discontinuous Unicode
­ ­ Soft Hyphen Unicode
∨ Vee Unicode
〃 Ditto Mark Unicode
𑤀 𑤀 Dives Akuru Unicode
៰ Symbols For Divination, Khmer Numeric Unicode
÷ ÷ Obelus Unicode
⨯ Vector Or Cross Product Unicode
∕ Slash, Division Unicode
⋇ Times, Division Unicode
⟌ Long Division Unicode
⚮ Divorce Symbol Unicode
💫 💫 Squeans Unicode
⛔ No Entry Unicode
🗎 🗎 Document Unicode
🗋 🗋 Document, Empty Unicode
∌ Member, Does Not Contain As Unicode
∤ Does Not Divide Unicode
∄ There Does Not Exist Unicode
⊣ Yield, Does Not Unicode
🐕 🐕 Dog Unicode
🐶 🐶 Dog Face Unicode
𑠀 𑠀 Dogra Unicode
$ $ Milreis Unicode
🐬 🐬 Dolphin Unicode
◁ Restriction, Domain Unicode
🀰 🀰 Tiles, Domino Unicode
့ Dot Below, Myanmar Sign Unicode
․ One Dot Leader Unicode
… Three Dot Leader Unicode
‥ Two Dot Leader Unicode
⋅ Dot Operator Unicode
⊡ Squared Dot Operator Unicode
∔ Plus, Dot Unicode
⁙ Pentonkion, Greek Unicode
⁘ Four Dot Punctuation Unicode
⁖ Three Dot Punctuation Unicode
⁚ Two Dot Punctuation Unicode
・ Middle Dot, Katakana Unicode
İ İ I With Dot Above, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ꞏ Sinological Dot, Latin Letter Unicode
﹅ Sidelining Emphasis Marks Unicode
⍿ Vertical Line With Middle Dot Unicode
﹆ White Sesame Dot Unicode
ı ı I, Latin Small Letter Dotless Unicode
ɟ ɟ J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Dotless Unicode
ȷ ȷ J, Latin Small Letter Dotless Unicode
𝚤 𝚤 Symbols, Dotless Mathematical Unicode
᠅ Mongolian Four Dots Unicode
⁞ Vertical Four Dots Unicode
⦙ Fences Unicode
∴ Therefore Unicode
‼ Exclamation Mark, Double Unicode
゠ Katakana-hiragana Double Hyphen Unicode
∬ Integral, Double Unicode
⋒ Intersection, Double Unicode
⩓ Double Logical And Unicode
⩔ Or, Double Logical Unicode
‗ Underscore, Spacing Double Unicode
⋐ Subset, Double Unicode
⧺ Plus, Double Unicode
⪻ Precedes, Double Unicode
″ Seconds Unicode
〞 Quotation Mark, Double Prime Unicode
〟 Quotation Mark, Low Double Prime Unicode
〝 Reversed Double Prime Quotation Mark Unicode
ʺ ʺ Prime, Modifier Letter Double Unicode
‶ Reversed Double Prime Unicode
⁇ Vertical Text, Double Punctuation For Unicode
᜶ Punctuation, Philippine Double Unicode
⫽ Solidus Operator, Double Unicode
⪼ Succeeds, Double Unicode
⋑ Superset, Double Unicode
⏩ Triangles, Double Unicode
⋓ Union, Double Unicode
‖ Vertical Line, Double Unicode
﹌ Wavy Overline, Double Unicode
ℼ Small Pi, Double-struck Unicode
ℽ Small Gamma, Double-struck Unicode
𝔸 𝔸 Symbols, Double-struck Mathematical Unicode
🕊 🕊 Peace, Dove Of Unicode
☟ White Down Pointing Index Unicode
⊤ Top Unicode
⇟ Page Down Unicode
🐉 🐉 Dragon Unicode
🐲 🐲 Dragon Face Unicode
ʒ ʒ Latin Small Letter Ezh Unicode
⛚ Drive Slow Sign Unicode
♏ Scorpius Unicode
💧 💧 Droplet Unicode
🌢 🌢 Droplet, Black Unicode
𛰀 𛰀 Duployan Unicode
📀 📀 Dvd Unicode
É É E With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
é é E With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ĕ ĕ E With Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ě ě E With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȩ ȩ E With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḙ E With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ê Ê E With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ê ê E With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ë Ë E With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ë ë E With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ė ė E With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ẹ E With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȅ ȅ E With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
È È E With Grave, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
è è E With Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ẻ E With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɝ ɝ Reversed Open E With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȇ ȇ E With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ē ē E With Macron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ę ę E With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ɇ Ɇ E With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ɇ ɇ E With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḛ E With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ẽ E With Tilde, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͤ ͤ E, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
ⅇ E, Double-struck Italic Small Unicode
Ɛ Ɛ Open E, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
Ǝ Ǝ Turned E, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ᴇ E, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
œ œ Small Ligature Oe, Latin Unicode
ɛ ɛ Open E, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɘ ɘ Reversed E, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɜ ɜ Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ǝ ǝ Turned E, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ᴈ Turned Open E, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ℰ Script Capital E Unicode
ℯ Script Small E Unicode
🦅 🦅 Eagle Unicode
👂 👂 Ear Unicode
♁ Earth Unicode
⏚ Ground, Earth Unicode
⸀ Symbols, New Testament Editorial Unicode
𓀀 𓀀 Hieroglyphs, Egyptian Unicode
𓐰 𓐰 Format Controls, Egyptian Hieroglyph Unicode
♪ Quaver Unicode
⅛ Fractions Eighths Unicode
⏏ Eject Media Unicode
ੴ Gurmukhi Ek Onkar Unicode
𐔀 𐔀 Elbasan Unicode
🔌 🔌 Electric Plug Unicode
⏧ Intersection, Electrical Unicode
↯ Electrolysis Unicode
⎍ Symbols, Electrotechnical Unicode
∈ Set Membership Signs Unicode
∉ Not An Element Of Unicode
∊ Small Element Of Unicode
℩ Unique Element Unicode
🐘 🐘 Elephant Unicode
⬬ Ellipses Unicode
ຯ Lao Ellipsis Unicode
⋯ Midline Horizontal Ellipsis Unicode
᠁ Mongolian Ellipsis Unicode
⋮ Vertical Ellipsis Unicode
℘ Weierstrass Elliptic Function Unicode
𐿠 𐿠 Elymaic Unicode
  Quad, Mutton Unicode
  Space, Em Unicode
‫ Rle Unicode
🦰 🦰 Emoji Components Unicode
🏻 🏻 Emoji Modifiers Unicode
🤐 🤐 Emoticon Faces Unicode
😀 😀 Faces Unicode
⎃ Emphasis Symbol Unicode
∅ Set, Null Unicode
⦰ Sets, Empty Unicode
  Space, En Unicode
🈀 🈀 Ideographic Supplement, Enclosed Unicode
🄐 🄐 Parenthesized Latin Letters Unicode
⇲ End Unicode
— Guarded Area, End Of Unicode

 Nl Unicode
  Medium, End Of Unicode
␙ Medium, Symbol For End Of Unicode
∎ Q.e.d. Unicode
‡ Selected Area, End Of Unicode
  Text, End Of Unicode
␃ Text, Symbol For End Of Unicode
  Transmission, End Of Unicode
␄ Transmission, Symbol For End Of Unicode
ŋ ŋ Latin Small Letter Eng Unicode
௺ Tamil Number Sign Unicode
‿ Undertie Unicode
  Enquiry Unicode
␅ Enquiry, Symbol For Unicode
⌤ Symbols, Keyboard Unicode
⎆ Enter Symbol Unicode
🎠 🎠 Symbols, Entertainment Unicode
✉ Envelope Unicode
🖂 🖂 Envelope, Back Of Unicode
🖃 🖃 Envelope, Stamped Unicode
ϵ ϵ Straight Epsilon Unicode
϶ ϶ Straight Epsilon, Reversed Unicode
≑ Geometrically Equal To Unicode
≥ Greater-than Or Equal To Unicode
≤ Less-than Or Equal To Unicode
≠ Not Equal To Unicode
≟ Questioned Equal To Unicode
≖ Ring In Equal To Unicode
⋕ Inequality Signs, Equality And Unicode
= = Equals Sign Unicode
≒ Nearly Equals Unicode
⋍ Tilde Equals, Reversed Unicode
≛ Star Equals Unicode
≚ Equiangular To Unicode
≍ Equivalent To Unicode
≎ Geometrically Equivalent To Unicode
≣ Strictly Equivalent To Unicode
⧦ Tautological Equivalent Unicode
㋿ Japanese Era Name Unicode
㍻ Japanese Era Names Unicode
  Escape Unicode
⎋ Escape Unicode
⮹ Escape Unicode
␛ Escape, Symbol For Unicode
ƪ ƪ Reversed Esh Loop, Latin Letter Unicode
Ʃ Ʃ Esh, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ʃ ʃ Latin Small Letter Esh Unicode
ʅ ʅ Squat Reversed Esh, Latin Small Letter Unicode
℮ Estimated Symbol Unicode
ß ß Sharp S, Latin Small Letter Unicode
⁊ Tironian Sign Et Unicode
Ð Ð Eth, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ᴆ Small Capital Eth, Latin Letter Unicode
ð ð Latin Small Letter Eth Unicode
ⶀ Ethiopic Extended Unicode
꬀ Ethiopic Extended-a Unicode
። Full Stop, Ethiopic Unicode
፨ Separator, Ethiopic Paragraph Unicode
፡ Wordspace, Ethiopic Unicode
፧ Question Mark, Ethiopic Unicode
፤ Semicolon, Ethiopic Unicode
ᎀ Ethiopic Supplement Unicode
ሀ Syllables, Ethiopic Unicode
Ā Ā Latin, European Unicode
§ § Section Sign Unicode
¶ Section Sign, European Unicode
∹ Excess Unicode
❢ Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament Unicode
❕ Exclamation Mark Ornament, White Unicode
¡ ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark Unicode
᥄ Limbu Exclamation Mark Unicode
⁈ Question Exclamation Mark Unicode
⁉ Question Mark, Exclamation Unicode
∃ There Exists Unicode
👁 👁 Eye Unicode
👀 👀 Symbols, Facial Parts Unicode
ƹ ƹ Reversed, Latin Small Letter Ezh Unicode
ǯ ǯ Latin Small Letter Ezh With Caron Unicode
Ʒ Ʒ Ezh, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ᴣ Small Capital Ezh, Latin Letter Unicode
ḟ F With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ℱ Transform, Fourier Unicode
ⅎ Turned Small F Unicode
🤦 🤦 Face Palm Unicode
〠 Postal Mark Face Unicode
☹ White Frowning Face Unicode
☺ White Smiling Face Unicode
🤠 🤠 Faces Unicode
℻ Facsimile Sign Unicode
⛭ Factory Unicode
👸 👸 Symbols, Fairy Tale Unicode
👪 👪 Family Unicode
⏪ Rewind, Fast Unicode
′ Prime Unicode
♀ Venus Unicode
ª ª Ordinal Indicator, Feminine Unicode
⧘ Wiggly Fences Unicode
 Form Feed Unicode
⅕ Fractions Fifths Unicode
  Space, Figure Unicode
📁 📁 File Folder Unicode
📂 📂 File Folder, Open Unicode
  Separator, File Unicode
␜ File Separator, Symbol For Unicode
〿 Space, Ideographic Half Fill Unicode
ㅤ Hangul Filler Unicode
🎞 🎞 Film Frames Unicode
⇻ Function, Finite Unicode
⤕ Injection, Finite Unicode
⇼ Relation, Finite Unicode
⤁ Surjection, Finite Unicode
⤘ Surjective Injection, Finite Unicode
🔥 🔥 Tool Symbols Unicode
🛱 🛱 Fire Engine, Oncoming Unicode
⁨ Isolate, First Strong Unicode
🐟 🐟 Fish Unicode
⥼ Tails, Fish Unicode
🐠 🐠 Fish, Tropical Unicode
☞ White Right Pointing Index Unicode
✊ Rock In Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Unicode
👊 👊 Punch Unicode
⛳ Golf Course Unicode
🏴 🏴 Flag, Waving Black Unicode
🏳 🏳 Flag, Waving White Unicode
♭ Music Flat Sign Unicode
⏥ Flatness Unicode
⚜ Fleur-de-lis Unicode
⌋ Right Floor Unicode
💾 💾 Floppy Disk Unicode
🛸 🛸 Flying Saucer Unicode
๏ Thai Character Fongman Unicode
🍔 🍔 Symbols, Food Unicode
🥐 🥐 Symbols, Food Unicode
👣 👣 Footprints Unicode
⊩ Forces Unicode
ᚕ Ogham Forfeda Supplement Unicode
⫙ Forks Unicode
␌ Form Feed, Symbol For Unicode
‌ Zwnj Unicode
⏵ Forward Play Unicode
⛲ Park Unicode
⛶ Four Corners, Square Unicode
⁛ Four Dot Mark Unicode
  Space, Mid Unicode
∜ Root, Fourth Unicode
¼ ¼ Vulgar Fraction One Quarter Unicode
⅟ One, Fraction Numerator Unicode
½ ½ Vulgar Fraction One Half Unicode
⅑ Vulgar Fraction One Ninth Unicode
⅐ Vulgar Fraction One Seventh Unicode
⅒ Vulgar Fraction One Tenth Unicode
⁄ Solidus Unicode
¾ ¾ Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters Unicode
⅙ Sixths, Fractions Unicode
⅓ Vulgar Fractions Unicode
ʕ ʕ Voiced Fricative, Latin Letter Pharyngeal Unicode
🐸 🐸 Frog Face Unicode
⌢ Frown Unicode
🍅 🍅 Vegetable Symbols, Fruit And Unicode
⛽ Petrol Station Unicode
。 Ideographic Full Stop Unicode
᠃ Mongolian Full Stop Unicode
᠉ Mongolian Manchu Full Stop Unicode
＀ Halfwidth And Fullwidth Forms Unicode
¢ Symbol Variants, Fullwidth Unicode
Γ Γ Gamma Function Unicode
⇸ Partial Function Unicode
⏛ Fuse Unicode
ǵ ǵ G With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ğ ğ G With Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ǧ ǧ G With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ģ ģ G With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ĝ ĝ G With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ġ ġ G With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ɠ Ɠ G With Hook, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ʛ ʛ G With Hook, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ɠ ɠ G With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḡ G With Macron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ǥ ǥ G With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɢ ɢ G, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ɡ ɡ Script G, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ℊ Script Small G Unicode
⅁ Turned Sans-serif Capital G Unicode
🎮 🎮 Symbols, Game Unicode
ℾ Gamma, Double-struck Capital Unicode
Ɣ Ɣ Gamma, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ɣ ɣ Latin Small Letter Gamma Unicode
ˠ ˠ Small Gamma, Modifier Letter Unicode
⚙ Gear Unicode
♊ Gemini Unicode
⚢ Symbols, Gender Unicode
⚭ Symbols, Genealogical Unicode
⋂ N-ary Intersection Unicode
⋃ Union, N-ary Unicode
∺ Proportion, Geometric Unicode
🔲 🔲 Geometric Shapes Unicode
■ Squares Unicode
🞀 🞀 Geometric Shapes Extended Unicode
ა Small Letters, Georgian Unicode
Ა Georgian Extended Unicode
ჱ Georgian Extensions Unicode
჻ Separator, Georgian Paragraph Unicode
ⴀ Georgian Supplement Unicode
ℳ Script Capital M Unicode
₰ Penny Sign, German Unicode
🙅 🙅 Symbols, Gesture Unicode
〓 Geta Mark Unicode
👻 👻 Ghost Unicode
👧 👧 Girl Unicode
Ⰰ Glagolitic Unicode
𞀀 𞀀 Glagolitic Supplement Unicode
🌍 🌍 Symbols, Globe Unicode
🌐 🌐 Globe With Meridians Unicode
Ɂ Ɂ Glottal Stop, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ʔ ʔ Latin Letter Glottal Stop Unicode
ʖ ʖ Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop Unicode
ɂ ɂ Latin Small Letter Glottal Stop Unicode
ˀ ˀ Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Unicode
ˁ ˁ Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Unicode
ˤ ˤ Small Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Unicode
⸘ Inverted Interrobang Unicode
⚆ Markers, Go Unicode
🐐 🐐 Goat Unicode
👺 👺 Goblin, Japanese Unicode
🥇 🥇 Gold Medal Unicode
ᛮ Runic Golden Numbers Unicode
𐌰 𐌰 Gothic Unicode
𑌀 𑌀 Grantha Unicode
⎷ Terminal Graphic Characters Unicode
▖ Terminal Graphic Characters Unicode
> > Greater-than Sign Unicode
≫ Much Greater-than Unicode
⋙ Very Much Greater-than Unicode
Ͱ Ͱ Greek Unicode
Ϙ Ϙ Greek Archaic Letters Unicode
ἀ Precomposed Polytonic Greek Unicode
ϲ ϲ Sigma, Greek Small Letter Lunate Unicode
𝛢 𝛢 Symbols, Italic Greek Mathematical Unicode
𝈀 𝈀 Musical Notation, Ancient Greek Unicode
𐅀 𐅀 Numbers, Ancient Greek Unicode
𝔖 𝔖 Septuagint Unicode
ϕ ϕ Phi Symbol, Greek Unicode
ϖ ϖ Pi Symbol, Greek Unicode
ʹ ʹ Punctuation And Signs, Greek Unicode
; &#x003B; Semicolon Unicode
; ; Question Mark, Greek Unicode
α α Small Letters, Greek Unicode
ϑ ϑ Theta, Script Unicode
𝇐 𝇐 Symbols, Gregorian Musical Unicode
🥸 🥸 Groucho Glasses, Face With Unicode
⇰ Group Lock Unicode
⇨ Group Select (iso 9995-7) Unicode
  Separator, Group Unicode
␝ Group Separator, Symbol For Unicode
– Start Of Guarded Area Unicode
઀ Gujarati Unicode
ક Gujarati Consonants Unicode
ા Gujarati Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
અ Gujarati Independent Vowels Unicode
૱ Rupee Sign, Gujarati Unicode
𑵠 𑵠 Gunjala Gondi Unicode
਀ Gurmukhi Unicode
ਕ Gurmukhi Consonants Unicode
ਾ Gurmukhi Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
ਅ Gurmukhi Independent Vowels Unicode
ੰ Tippi, Gurmukhi Unicode
ḫ H With Breve Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȟ ȟ H With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḩ H With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ĥ ĥ H With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḧ H With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḣ H With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḥ H With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʮ ʮ Turned H With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɦ ɦ H With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ẖ H With Line Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ħ ħ H With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͪ ͪ H, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
ℍ H, Double-struck Capital Unicode
ʜ ʜ H, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ɥ ɥ Turned H, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ₕ H, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
ʰ ʰ Superscript Modifier Letters, Latin Unicode
ℋ Script Capital H Unicode
  Space, Hair Unicode
྄ Tibetan Srog Med Unicode
⌡ Integral, Bottom Half Unicode
⌠ Top Half Integral Unicode
ՙ ՙ Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Left Half Unicode
˓ ˓ Ring, Modifier Letter Centred Left Half Unicode
ʿ ʿ Ring, Modifier Letter Left Half Unicode
ᅠ Korean Hangul Variants, Halfwidth Unicode
│ Symbol Variants, Halfwidth Unicode
▽ Hamilton Operator Unicode
⚒ Working Day Symbol Unicode
☭ Hammer And Sickle Unicode
🐹 🐹 Hamster Face Unicode
゜ Han-daku-on, Japanese Unicode
👆 👆 Symbols, Hand Unicode
🖎 🖎 Writing Hand, Left Unicode
🤘 🤘 Symbols, Hand Unicode
✋ Paper In Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Unicode
🤚 🤚 Hand, Raised Back Of Unicode
✌ Victory Hand Unicode
✍ Writing Hand Unicode
🤝 🤝 Handshake Unicode
ㅥ Korean Hangul Archaic Letters Unicode
ᅟ Hangul Choseong Filler Unicode
ꥠ Korean Hangul Jamo Extended-a Unicode
ힰ Korean Hangul Jamo Extended-b Unicode
ᅠ Hangul Jungseong Filler Unicode
㈎ Syllables, Parenthesized Korean Hangul Unicode
〡 Suzhou Numerals Unicode
𐴀 𐴀 Rohingya, Hanifi Unicode
ᜠ Hanunoo Unicode
↼ Harpoons Unicode
⥊ Harpoons, Miscellaneous Unicode
꠆ Hasanta, Syloti Nagri Sign Unicode
𐣠 𐣠 Hatran Unicode
༁ Tibetan Head Marks Unicode
  Start Of Heading Unicode
␁ Start Of Heading, Symbol For Unicode
🎧 🎧 Headphone Unicode
💓 💓 Symbols, Heart Unicode
🤍 🤍 Heart, White Unicode
✖ X, Heavy Multiplication Unicode
❈ Sparkle, Heavy Unicode
֐ ֐ Hebrew Unicode
א א Hebrew Alphabet Unicode
ְ ְ Punctuation, Hebrew Points And Unicode
יִ Presentation Forms, Hebrew Unicode
❧ Leaf, Ivy Unicode
🦔 🦔 Hedgehog Unicode
⛑ Helmet With White Cross Unicode
𛀂 𛀂 Hentaigana Unicode
𛄀 𛄀 Kana Extended-a Unicode
⚚ Staff Of Hermes Unicode
䷀ Yijing / I Ching Hexagram Symbols Unicode
⚡ Voltage Sign, High Unicode
≻ Succeeds Unicode
぀ Japanese Hiragana Unicode
ゝ Iteration Mark, Hiragana Unicode
ゕ Small Ka, Hiragana Letter Unicode
ゖ Small Ke, Hiragana Letter Unicode
ゞ Voiced Iteration Mark, Hiragana Unicode
▮ Marker, Histogram Unicode
⛬ Historic Site Unicode
𞄀 𞄀 Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Unicode
𖬀 𖬀 Pahawh Hmong Unicode
⍥ Holler Unicode
↸ Home Unicode
⇱ Home Unicode
∻ Tilde Mathematical Operators Unicode
🐝 🐝 Honeybee Unicode
˞ ˞ Rhotic Hook, Modifier Letter Unicode
⍤ Hoot Unicode
⎺ Scan Lines, Horizontal Unicode
␉ Tabulation, Symbol For Horizontal Unicode
🐎 🐎 Horse Unicode
🐴 🐴 Horse Face Unicode
⛨ Shield, Black Cross On Unicode
🌭 🌭 Hot Dog Unicode
♨ Hot Springs Unicode
⌛ Hourglass Unicode
⏳ Hourglass With Flowing Sand Unicode
㍘ Telegraph Symbols For Hours, Ideographic Unicode
⌂ House Unicode
𐲀 𐲀 Old Hungarian Unicode
ƕ ƕ Latin Small Letter Hv Unicode
Ƕ Ƕ Hwair, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
- - Minus Sign, Hyphen Or Unicode
⹀ Hyphen, Double Unicode
᠆ Todo Soft Hyphen, Mongolian Unicode
‑ Non-breaking Hyphen Unicode
‧ Point, Hyphenation Unicode
⎎ Hysteresis Symbol Unicode
Ɨ Ɨ I With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
☰ Yijing / I Ching Trigram Symbols Unicode
🤟 🤟 Love, Hand Sign Unicode
Í Í I With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
í í I With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ĭ ĭ I With Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ǐ ǐ I With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Î Î I With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
î î I With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ï Ï I With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ï ï I With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ị I With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȉ ȉ I With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ì Ì I With Grave, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ì ì I With Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ỉ I With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȋ ȋ I With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ī ī I With Macron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
į į I With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɨ ɨ I With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḭ I With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ĩ ĩ I With Tilde, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͥ ͥ I, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
ⅈ I, Double-struck Italic Small Unicode
ɪ ɪ I, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ᴉ Turned I, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ᵢ I, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
ℐ Script Capital I Unicode
ⁱ I, Superscript Latin Small Letter Unicode
⛸ Ice Skate Unicode
💡 💡 Light Bulb, Electric Unicode
≡ Identical To Unicode
≢ Not Identical To Unicode
𐂀 𐂀 Linear B Ideograms Unicode
々 Iteration Mark, Ideographic Unicode
〻 Vertical Ideographic Iteration Mark Unicode
〇 Zero, Ideographic Number Unicode
𖿠 𖿠 Ideographic Symbols And Punctuation Unicode
㋀ Telegraph Symbols For Months, Ideographic Unicode
〾 Variation Indicator, Ideographic Unicode
␖ Synchronous Idle, Symbol For Unicode
  Synchronous Idle Unicode
ij ij Small Ligature Ij, Latin Unicode
⊷ Image Of Unicode
⊏ Square Image Of Unicode
👿 👿 Imp Unicode
⊢ Yields Unicode
⊂ Superset And Subset Signs Unicode
⊃ Superset Of Unicode
㍿ Kabusiki-gaisya Unicode
⏶ Increase Unicode
⫫ Independence Unicode
⫝ Independent Unicode
⫝̸ Not Independent Unicode
☜ White Left Pointing Index Unicode
☝ White Up Pointing Index Unicode
₹ Rupee Sign, Indian Unicode
꠰ Indic Number Forms, Common Unicode
𞱰 𞱰 Numbers, Indic Siyaq Unicode
∞ Infinity Unicode
⧜ Infinity, Incomplete Unicode
🛈 🛈 Information Unicode
  Unit Separator Unicode
  Separator, Record Unicode
ℹ Source, Information Unicode
⤔ Partial Injection Unicode
⤗ Surjective Injection Unicode
↣ Total Injection Unicode
⎀ Symbols, Keyboard Unicode
ℤ Z, Double-struck Capital Unicode
∫ Integral Signs Unicode
⨖ Quaternion Integral Operator Unicode
⨜ Lower Integral Unicode
ℛ Script Capital R Unicode
∯ Surface Integral Unicode
∭ Triple Integral Unicode
⨛ Upper Integral Unicode
∰ Volume Integral Unicode
⨊ Summations And Integrals Unicode
⊺ Intercalate Unicode
⨼ Product, Interior Unicode
⨽ Righthand Interior Product Unicode
⫴ Interleave Unicode
‽ Interrobang Unicode
⎊ Interrupt Unicode
⋔ Proper Intersection Unicode
⩀ Unions, Intersections And Unicode
་ Tsheg, Tibetan Mark Intersyllabic Unicode
∾ S, Inverted Lazy Unicode
℧ Ohm Sign, Inverted Unicode
¿ ¿ Turned Question Mark Unicode
ʁ ʁ R, Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted Unicode
ʶ ʶ R, Modifier Letter Small Capital Inverted Unicode
⁔ Undertie, Inverted Unicode
⁤ Plus, Invisible Unicode
⁢ Times, Invisible Unicode
Ɩ Ɩ Iota, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ɩ ɩ Latin Small Letter Iota Unicode
£ £ Sterling, Pound Unicode
⁦ Left-to-right Isolate Unicode
⁧ Right-to-left Isolate Unicode
୰ Oriya Isshar Unicode
𝐴 𝐴 Symbols, Italic Mathematical Unicode
𝘈 𝘈 Symbols, Sans-serif Italic Mathematical Unicode
𐌀 𐌀 Old Italic Unicode
ヽ Katakana Iteration Mark Unicode
ヾ Voiced Iteration Mark, Katakana Unicode
ǰ ǰ J With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ĵ ĵ J With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʝ ʝ J With Crossed-tail, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ɉ Ɉ J With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ɉ ɉ J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ⅉ J, Double-struck Italic Small Unicode
ᴊ J, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ʲ ʲ J, Modifier Letter Small Unicode
❉ Jack Unicode
〄 Japanese Industrial Standard Symbol Unicode
※ Urdu Paragraph Separator Unicode
ꦀ Javanese Unicode
⁠ Word Joiner Unicode
‍ Zwj Unicode
♃ Jupiter Unicode
⚖ Scales Unicode
ḱ K With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ǩ ǩ K With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ķ ķ K With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḳ K With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ƙ ƙ K With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḵ K With Line Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ᴋ K, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ʞ ʞ Turned K, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ₖ K, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
𑂀 𑂀 Kaithi Unicode
𛄰 𛄰 Kana Extension, Small Unicode
〱 Repeat Marks, Kana Unicode
𛀀 𛀀 Kana Supplement Unicode
ಀ Kannada Unicode
ಕ Kannada Consonants Unicode
ಾ Kannada Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
ಅ Kannada Independent Vowels Unicode
ヿ Koto, Katakana Digraph Unicode
ー Katakana-hiragana Prolonged Sound Mark Unicode
꤀ Kayah Li Unicode
K Kelvin Sign Unicode
⌥ Option Key Unicode
⚿ Parental Lock Unicode
⌨ Keyboard Unicode
⇦ Symbols, Keyboard Unicode
𐨀 𐨀 Kharoshthi Unicode
𘬀 𘬀 Khitan Small Script Unicode
ា Khmer Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
ឥ Khmer Independent Vowels Unicode
ះ Visarga, Khmer Unicode
᧠ Symbols, Khmer Unicode
𑈀 𑈀 Khojki Unicode
๛ Thai Character Khomut Unicode
𑊰 𑊰 Khudawadi Unicode
𝇞 𝇞 Symbols, Kievan Musical Unicode
္ Virama, Myanmar Sign Unicode
⌑ Square Lozenge Unicode
🐨 🐨 Koala Unicode
㉿ Korean Standard Symbol Unicode
ĸ ĸ Latin Small Letter Kra Unicode
℔ Pounds Unicode
ĺ ĺ L With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ƚ Ƚ L With Bar, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ƚ ƚ L With Bar, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ľ ľ L With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ļ ļ L With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḽ L With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȴ ȴ L With Curl, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḷ L With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ḻ L With Line Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ŀ ŀ Middle Dot, Latin Small Letter L With Unicode
ɫ ɫ Middle Tilde, Latin Small Letter L With Unicode
ɭ ɭ Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter L With Unicode
ᴌ L With Stroke, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ł ł L With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʟ ʟ L, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ₗ L, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
ˡ ˡ L, Modifier Letter Small Unicode
⅃ Sans-serif Capital L, Reversed Unicode
ℒ Script Capital L Unicode
ℓ Script Small L Unicode
⅂ Turned Sans-serif Capital L Unicode
🐞 🐞 Lady Beetle Unicode
ƛ ƛ Latin Letter Lambda Bar Unicode
󠀁 󠀁 Language Tag Unicode
຀ Lao Unicode
ກ Lao Consonants Unicode
່ Lao Marks And Signs Unicode
ໍ Niggahita, Lao Unicode
ະ Lao Vowels Unicode
☾ Quarter Moon, Last Unicode
㎀ Latin Abbreviations, Squared Unicode
Ḁ Latin Extended Additional Unicode
Ⱡ Latin Extended-c Unicode
꜠ Latin Extended-d Unicode
ꬰ Latin Extended-e Unicode
ʭ ʭ Percussive, Latin Letter Bidental Unicode
ᴤ Latin Letter Voiced Laryngeal Spirant Unicode
ƿ ƿ Wynn, Latin Letter Unicode
Ʀ Ʀ Yr, Latin Letter Unicode
⒜ Parenthesized Latin Letters Unicode
🄱 🄱 Squared Latin Letters Unicode
a a Small Letters, Latin Unicode
ɮ ɮ Lezh, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ƣ ƣ Oi, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȣ ȣ Ou, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɸ ɸ Phi, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȹ ȹ Qp Digraph, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ə ə Schwa, Latin Small Letter Unicode
þ þ Thorn, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ƅ ƅ Latin Small Letter Tone Six Unicode
ᴔ Turned Oe, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʊ ʊ Upsilon, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȝ ȝ Yogh, Latin Small Letter Unicode
    Symbols, Latin-1 Punctuation And Unicode
∽ Tilde, Reversed Unicode
Ɲ Ɲ N With Left Hook, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ɲ ɲ N With Left Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
⋉ Semidirect Product, Left Normal Factor Unicode
( ( Parenthesis, Opening Unicode
﴾ Parenthesis, Ornate Left Unicode
⋋ Semidirect Product, Left Unicode
⦅ White Parenthesis, Left Unicode
‎ Lrm Unicode
‭ Override, Left-to-right Unicode
⇤ Tab, Leftward Unicode
🬀 🬀 Legacy Computing, Symbols For Unicode
♌ Leo Unicode
🐆 🐆 Leopard Unicode
ᰀ Lepcha Unicode
� Leppard Unicode
< &#x003C; Less-than Sign Unicode
&#x226A; Much Less-than Unicode
&#x22D8; Very Much Less-than Unicode
&#x21EB; Level 2 Lock Unicode
&#x21E7; Shift Unicode
&#x21EF; Level 3 Lock Unicode
&#x21EE; Level 3 Select Unicode
&#x27EE; Lgroup Unicode
&#x264E; Libra Unicode
&#x26EF; Lighthouse, Map Symbol For Unicode
&#x2607; Lightning Unicode
🗲 &#x1F5F2; Lightning Bolt Unicode
&#x1900; Limbu Unicode
&#x1945; Question Mark, Limbu Unicode
&#x1939; Limbu Signs Unicode
&#x21B4; Line Feed Unicode
 &#x008D; Reverse Line Feed Unicode
&#x240A; Line Feed, Symbol For Unicode
&#x008B; Partial Line Forward Unicode
&#x2319; Turned Not Sign Unicode
&#x2AEE; Vertical Line Operators Unicode
&#x2028; Separator, Line Unicode
&#x000B; Vt Unicode
Š &#x008A; Tabulation Set, Line Unicode
&#x2310; Reversed Not Sign Unicode
_ &#x005F; Underscore, Spacing Unicode
ˌ &#x02CC; Vertical Line, Modifier Letter Low Unicode
ˈ &#x02C8; Vertical Line, Modifier Letter Unicode
&#x0085; Next Line Unicode
&#x214A; Property Line Unicode
&#x2307; Wavy Line Unicode
&#xFE4F; Wavy Low Line Unicode
𐘀 &#x10600; Linear A Unicode
🦁 &#x1F981; Lion Face Unicode
🗢 &#x1F5E2; Lips Unicode
&#x20BA; Turkish Lira Sign Unicode
&#xA4D0; Lisu Unicode
𑾰 &#x11FB0; Lisu Supplement Unicode
&#x20B6; Livre Tournois Sign Unicode
🦞 &#x1F99E; Lobster Unicode
🔏 &#x1F50F; Symbols, Lock Unicode
&#x21ED; Numerics Lock Unicode
&#x27D8; Turnstiles, Tacks And Unicode
&#x27E0; Operators, Modal Logic Unicode
&#x22C1; Or, N-ary Logical Unicode
ſ &#x017F; S, Latin Small Letter Long Unicode
&#x27B0; Loop, Curly Unicode
&#x27BF; Loop, Double Curly Unicode
&#x26DF; Truck, Black Unicode
ˍ &#x02CD; Macron, Modifier Letter Low Unicode
&#xDC00; Surrogates, Low Unicode
&#x227A; Precedes Unicode
&#x25CA; Lozenge Unicode
🞝 &#x1F79D; Lozenges Unicode
𐊀 &#x10280; Lycian Unicode
𐤠 &#x10920; Lydian Unicode
ḿ &#x1E3F; M With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E41; M With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E43; M With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɱ &#x0271; M With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɰ &#x0270; Turned M With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͫ &#x036B; M, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ɯ &#x019C; Turned M, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
&#x1D0D; M, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
&#x1D1F; Turned M, Latin Small Letter Sideways Unicode
ɯ &#x026F; Turned M, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x2098; M, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
&#x0BF4; Tamil Month Sign Unicode
&#x2446; Micr, Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Unicode
🔍 &#x1F50D; Magnifying Glass, Left-pointing Unicode
🔎 &#x1F50E; Magnifying Glass, Right-pointing Unicode
𑅐 &#x11150; Mahajani Unicode
🀀 &#x1F000; Tiles, Mahjong Unicode
📤 &#x1F4E4; Symbols, Mail Unicode
𑻠 &#x11EE0; Makasar Unicode
&#x0D00; Malayalam Unicode
&#x0D15; Malayalam Consonants Unicode
&#x0D3E; Malayalam Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
&#x0D05; Malayalam Independent Vowels Unicode
&#x2642; Mars Unicode
👨 &#x1F468; Man Unicode
👫 &#x1F46B; Man And Woman Holding Hands Unicode
👴 &#x1F474; Man, Older Unicode
&#x0840; Mandaic Unicode
𐫀 &#x10AC0; Manichaean Unicode
&#x21A6; Maplet Unicode
&#x27FB; Maps From Unicode
&#x2906; Maps From Unicode
&#x27FC; Maps To Unicode
&#x2905; Maps To Unicode
&#x2907; Maps To Unicode
𑱰 &#x11C70; Marchen Unicode
🅪 &#x1F16A; Mc Sign, Raised Unicode
🅫 &#x1F16B; Md Sign, Raised Unicode
𑴀 &#x11D00; Masaram Gondi Unicode
º &#x00BA; Ordinal Indicator, Masculine Unicode
&#x303C; Masu Mark Unicode
&#x205F; Space, Medium Mathematical Unicode
&#x27C0; Symbols-a, Miscellaneous Mathematical Unicode
&#x2980; Vertical Bar Delimiter, Triple Unicode
𝙰 &#x1D670; Symbols, Monospace Mathematical Unicode
𝖠 &#x1D5A0; Symbols, Sans-serif Mathematical Unicode
𝒜 &#x1D49C; Symbols, Script Mathematical Unicode
𝋠 &#x1D2E0; Numerals, Mayan Unicode
𖹀 &#x16E40; Medefaidrin Unicode
&#x1DD3; Superscript Letter Diacritics, Latin Medieval Unicode
&#x2E2A; Medievalist Punctuation Unicode
&#xABC0; Meetei Mayek Unicode
&#xAAE0; Meetei Mayek Extensions Unicode
👬 &#x1F46C; Men Holding Hands, Two Unicode
𞠀 &#x1E800; Mende Kikakui Unicode
&#x263F; Symbols, Planet Unicode
&#x2A07; Merge Unicode
𐦠 &#x109A0; Meroitic Cursive Unicode
𐦀 &#x10980; Meroitic Hieroglyphs Unicode
&#x0BF8; Tamil Merpadi Unicode
&#x0095; Waiting, Message Unicode
ž &#x009E; Privacy Message Unicode
&#x23D1; Symbols, Metrical Unicode
𖼀 &#x16F00; Miao Unicode
µ &#x00B5; Micro Sign Unicode
&#x2E31; Word Separator Middle Dot Unicode
&#x20A5; Mill Sign Unicode
&#x2030; Per Thousand Unicode
𝅗𝅥 &#x1D15E; Minim Unicode
&#x264D; Virgo Unicode
&#x2212; Minus Sign Unicode
&#x2A22; Plus And Minus Sign Operators Unicode
˗ &#x02D7; Minus Sign, Modifier Letter Unicode
&#x2242; Tilde, Minus Unicode
&#x2216; Set Minus Unicode
&#x229F; Squared Minus Unicode
&#x2213; Minus-or-plus Sign Unicode
⧿ &#x29FF; Miny Unicode
🥀 &#x1F940; Symbols, Miscellaneous Unicode
&#x22A7; Models Unicode
𑘀 &#x11600; Modi Unicode
&#x1D2C; Modifier Letter Extensions Unicode
ʹ &#x02B9; Prime, Modifier Letter Unicode
˯ &#x02EF; Upa Modifiers Unicode
💰 &#x1F4B0; Symbols, Money Unicode
&#x1820; Mongolian Basic Letters Unicode
&#x1843; Mongolian Extensions Unicode
&#x180D; Variation Selector Three, Mongolian Free Unicode
&#x180C; Variation Selector Two, Mongolian Free Unicode
&#x180A; Nirugu, Mongolian Unicode
&#x1807; Sibe Syllable Boundary Marker, Mongolian Unicode
𑙠 &#x11660; Mongolian Supplement Unicode
&#x180E; Separator, Mongolian Vowel Unicode
🐒 &#x1F412; Monkey Unicode
🐵 &#x1F435; Monkey Face Unicode
🌑 &#x1F311; Symbols, Moon, Sun, And Star Unicode
🎓 &#x1F393; Mortarboard Unicode
🛣 &#x1F6E3; Motorway Unicode
&#x26F0; Mountain Unicode
🐁 &#x1F401; Mouse Unicode
&#x23B1; Right Moustache Unicode
👄 &#x1F444; Mouth Unicode
𖩀 &#x16A40; Mro Unicode
𑊀 &#x11280; Multani Unicode
&#x22B8; Multimap Unicode
&#x2715; X, Multiplication Unicode
&#x228D; Multiset Multiplication Unicode
&#x228C; Multiset Unicode
&#x266E; Natural Sign, Music Unicode
🎵 &#x1F3B5; Symbols, Music Unicode
🎜 &#x1F39C; Musical Notes, Beamed Ascending Unicode
🎝 &#x1F39D; Musical Notes, Beamed Descending Unicode
🎶 &#x1F3B6; Musical Notes, Multiple Unicode
𝄀 &#x1D100; Symbols, Musical Unicode
&#x102C; Myanmar Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
&#xAA60; Myanmar Extended-a Unicode
&#xA9E0; Myanmar Extended-b Unicode
&#x1021; Myanmar Independent Vowels Unicode
&#x1036; Myanmar Signs Unicode
ń &#x0144; N With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ň &#x0148; N With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ņ &#x0146; N With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E4B; N With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȵ &#x0235; N With Curl, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E45; N With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E47; N With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ǹ &#x01F9; N With Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E49; N With Line Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ƞ &#x0220; N With Long Right Leg, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ƞ &#x019E; N With Long Right Leg, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɳ &#x0273; Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter N With Unicode
Ñ &#x00D1; N With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ñ &#x00F1; N With Tilde, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x2115; Number, Natural Unicode
ɴ &#x0274; N, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
&#x1D0E; Reversed N, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
&#x2099; N, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
&#x220F; Product, N-ary Unicode
&#x2211; Summation, N-ary Unicode
&#x2140; Summation, Double-struck N-ary Unicode
&#x2A09; Times Operator, N-ary Unicode
𐢀 &#x10880; Nabataean Unicode
&#x22BC; Nand Unicode
𑦠 &#x119A0; Nandinagari Unicode
&#x202F; Space, Narrow No-break Unicode
&#x2AF1; Satisfies, Necessarily Unicode
&#x274E; Negative Squared Cross Mark, Negative Squared Unicode
&#x2646; Neptune Unicode
&#x26B2; Neuter Unicode
" &#x0022; Quotation Mark, Neutral Unicode
&#x1980; Tai Lue, New Unicode
𝔐 &#x1D510; New Testament Majority Text Unicode
𑐀 &#x11400; Newa Unicode
&#x2424; Newline, Symbol For Unicode
&#x2398; Page, Next Unicode
&#x2711; White Nib Unicode
&#x0E4D; Thai Character Nikhahit Unicode
&#x2A27; Nim-addition Unicode
߀ &#x07C0; Nko Unicode
🚫 &#x1F6AB; No Entry Sign Unicode
&#xFDD0; Noncharacters (fdd0..fdef) Unicode
&#xFFFE; Noncharacters (fffe..ffff) Unicode
&#x22BD; Nor Unicode
&#x22CA; Semidirect Product, Right Normal Factor Unicode
&#x22B2; Subgroup Of, Normal Unicode
&#x22EA; Subgroup Signs, Normal Unicode
👃 &#x1F443; Nose Unicode
&#x2284; Subset Of, Not A Unicode
&#x2285; Superset Of, Not A Unicode
&#x2226; Parallel To, Not Unicode
&#x2241; Tilde, Not Unicode
&#x2488; Period, Numbers Followed By Unicode
𞴀 &#x1ED00; Ottoman Siyaq Numbers Unicode
&#x2474; Parenthesized Numbers Unicode
&#x211A; Set Of Rational Numbers, The Unicode
&#x211D; Set Of Real Numbers, The Unicode
𐌠 &#x10320; Numerals, Old Italic Unicode
&#x2160; Roman Numerals Unicode
&#x2116; Numero Sign Unicode
𛅰 &#x1B170; Nushu Unicode
Ø &#x00D8; Stroke, Latin Capital Letter O With Unicode
ø &#x00F8; Stroke, Latin Small Letter O With Unicode
Ó &#x00D3; O With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ó &#x00F3; O With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ŏ &#x014F; O With Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ǒ &#x01D2; O With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ô &#x00D4; O With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ô &#x00F4; O With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ö &#x00D6; O With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ö &#x00F6; O With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȯ &#x022F; O With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1ECD; O With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ő &#x0151; O With Double Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȍ &#x020D; O With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ò &#x00D2; O With Grave, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ò &#x00F2; O With Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1ECF; O With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ơ &#x01A1; O With Horn, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȏ &#x020F; O With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ō &#x014D; O With Macron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ǫ &#x01EB; O With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1D13; Sideways O With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Õ &#x00D5; O With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
õ &#x00F5; O With Tilde, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͦ &#x0366; O, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ɔ &#x0186; Open O, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
&#x1D0F; O, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
&#x1D10; Open O, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
&#x1D17; O, Latin Small Letter Bottom Half Unicode
ɔ &#x0254; Open O, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1D11; Sideways O, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1D12; Sideways Open O, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1D16; O, Latin Small Letter Top Half Unicode
&#x2134; Script Small O Unicode
&#xFFFC; Replacement Character, Object Unicode
&#x2440; Optical Character Recognition, Ocr Unicode
🐙 &#x1F419; Octopus Unicode
ɶ &#x0276; Small Capital Oe, Latin Letter Unicode
💺 &#x1F4BA; Symbols, Office Unicode
&#x1680; Space Mark, Ogham Unicode
&#x169B; Punctuation, Ogham Unicode
&#x1681; Ogham Traditional Letters Unicode
˛ &#x02DB; Ogonek Unicode
👹 &#x1F479; Ogre, Japanese Unicode
&#x2126; Ohm Sign Unicode
👌 &#x1F44C; Ok Hand Sign Unicode
&#x1C50; Ol Chiki Unicode
𐍐 &#x10350; Old Permic Unicode
𐎠 &#x103A0; Persian, Old Unicode
𐼀 &#x10F00; Sogdian, Old Unicode
🕉 &#x1F549; Om Symbol Unicode
&#x0F00; Tibetan Syllable Om Unicode
¹ &#x00B9; Superscript One Unicode
&#x29E3; Relational Operators Unicode
&#x26CE; Ophiuchus Unicode
&#x260D; Opposition Unicode
&#x22DE; Precedence Signs, Order Relation Unicode
&#x2AE2; Satisfies, Ordinarily Unicode
&#x22B6; Original Of Unicode
&#x2290; Square Original Of Unicode
&#x0B00; Oriya Unicode
&#x0B15; Oriya Consonants Unicode
&#x0B3E; Oriya Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
&#x0B05; Oriya Independent Vowels Unicode
🙶 &#x1F676; Punctuation Mark Ornaments Unicode
﴿ &#xFD3F; Right Parenthesis, Ornate Unicode
𐒰 &#x104B0; Osage Unicode
𐒀 &#x10480; Osmanya Unicode
&#x1D15; Small Capital Ou, Latin Letter Unicode
&#x2125; Ounce Sign Unicode
&#x203E; Spacing Overscore Unicode
&#xFE4B; Wavy Overline Unicode
&#x202E; Rlo Unicode
🐂 &#x1F402; Ox Unicode
&#x1E55; P With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E57; P With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ƥ &#x01A5; P With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x2119; P, Double-struck Capital Unicode
&#x1D18; P, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
&#x209A; P, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
🥘 &#x1F958; Paella Unicode
&#x2B7D; Page Down Unicode
📄 &#x1F4C4; Page Facing Up Unicode
&#x21DE; Up, Page Unicode
&#x2B7B; Page Up Unicode
&#x2397; Previous Page Unicode
𐭠 &#x10B60; Pahlavi Unicode
𐮀 &#x10B80; Pahlavi, Psalter Unicode
&#x2E32; Symbols, Palaeotype Transliteration Unicode
ƫ &#x01AB; T With Palatal Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x2E19; Palm Branch Unicode
𐡠 &#x10860; Palmyrene Unicode
&#x0F85; Tibetan Mark Paluta Unicode
&#x1734; Pamudpod, Hanunoo Sign Unicode
🐼 &#x1F43C; Panda Face Unicode
&#x267E; Permanent Paper Sign Unicode
&#x267D; Recycled Paper Symbol, Partially- Unicode
&#x267C; Recycled Paper Symbol Unicode
&#x2029; Separator, Paragraph Unicode
&#x2761; Paragraph Sign Ornament, Curved Stem Unicode
&#x2225; Parallel To Unicode
&#x2986; White Parenthesis, Right Unicode
𐭀 &#x10B40; Parthian, Inscriptional Unicode
&#x21F9; Relation, Partial Unicode
&#x26AF; Unmarried Partnership Symbol Unicode
𑫀 &#x11AC0; Pau Cin Hau Unicode
&#x2389; Pause Unicode
&#x23F8; Pause Play Unicode
🐾 &#x1F43E; Paw Prints Unicode
&#x262E; Peace Symbol Unicode
&#x270F; Pencil Unicode
&#x2710; Upper Right Pencil Unicode
🐧 &#x1F427; Penguin Unicode
🏲 &#x1F3F2; Pennant, Black Unicode
🏱 &#x1F3F1; Pennant, White Unicode
&#x26E4; Pentalpha, Pentangle Unicode
🌶 &#x1F336; Spicy Unicode
&#x214C; Per Sign Unicode
&#x2031; Ten Thousand Sign, Per Unicode
% &#x0025; Percent Sign Unicode
🚬 &#x1F6AC; Prohibition Signs, Permission And Unicode
💄 &#x1F484; Symbols, Personal Care Unicode
&#x2306; Perspective Unicode
&#xA840; Phags-pa Unicode
𐇐 &#x101D0; Phaistos Disc Unicode
&#x1735; Single Punctuation, Philippine Unicode
𐤀 &#x10900; Phoenician Unicode
&#x2055; Puspika Unicode
&#x213F; Pi, Double-struck Capital Unicode
🩰 &#x1FA70; Symbols And Pictographs Extended-a Unicode
🌀 &#x1F300; Weather, Landscape, And Sky Symbols Unicode
🤀 &#x1F900; Typicon Symbols Unicode
🐖 &#x1F416; Pork (on Menus) Unicode
🐷 &#x1F437; Pig Face Unicode
🐽 &#x1F43D; Pig Nose Unicode
&#x204B; Reversed Pilcrow Sign Unicode
&#x2653; Pisces Unicode
&#x210F; Planck Constant Over Two Pi Unicode
🌰 &#x1F330; Symbols, Plant Unicode
&#x2673; Symbols, Plastics Recycling Unicode
💦 &#x1F4A6; Sweat Symbol, Splashing Unicode
+ &#x002B; Plus Sign Unicode
˖ &#x02D6; Plus Sign, Modifier Letter Unicode
&#x229E; Squared Plus Unicode
&#x29FB; Triple Plus Unicode
± &#x00B1; Plus-minus Sign Unicode
&#x2647; Pluto Unicode
&#x25BA; Pointers Unicode
🖗 &#x1F597; Pointing Hand Indexes Unicode
ܰ &#x0730; Points, Syriac Unicode
👮 &#x1F46E; Police Officer Unicode
&#x2B12; Symbols, Polygonal Unicode
💩 &#x1F4A9; Poo, Pile Of Unicode
🐩 &#x1F429; Poodle Unicode
🤰 &#x1F930; Symbols, Portrait And Role Unicode
🧐 &#x1F9D0; Role Symbols, Portrait And Unicode
&#x2316; Position Indicator Unicode
&#x2BD0; Position Indicator, Square Unicode
📯 &#x1F4EF; Postal Horn Unicode
&#x3012; Postal Mark Unicode
&#x23FB; Symbols, Power On/off Unicode
&#x26EE; Power Plant Unicode
𝒫 &#x1D4AB; Set, Power Unicode
&#x22B0; Precedes Under Relation Unicode
&#x2057; Quadruple Prime Unicode
&#x2035; Reversed Prime Unicode
&#x2037; Triple Prime, Reversed Unicode
&#x2034; Triple Prime Unicode
&#x2399; Screen Symbol, Print Unicode
&#x0091; Private Use One Unicode
&#x0092; Private Use Two Unicode
&#x22CC; Semidirect Product, Right Unicode
&#x29E2; Shuffle Product Unicode
&#x2A33; Smash Product Unicode
&#x2240; Wreath Product Unicode
🛇 &#x1F6C7; Prohibited Sign Unicode
&#x2305; Projective Unicode
&#x2237; Proportion Unicode
&#x221D; Proportional To Unicode
𝁯 &#x1D06F; Psifistoparakalesma Unicode
&#x27D3; Pullback Unicode
&#x104A; Punctuation And Signs, Myanmar Unicode
܀ &#x0700; Syriac Punctuation And Signs Unicode
&#x2008; Space, Punctuation Unicode
&#x16EB; Runic Punctuation Unicode
&#x27D4; Pushout Unicode
Ɋ &#x024A; Q With Hook Tail, Latin Capital Letter Small Unicode
ɋ &#x024B; Q With Hook Tail, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʠ &#x02A0; Q With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x213A; Rotated Capital Q Unicode
&#x25A1; Quadrature Unicode
𝅘𝅥𝅮 &#x1D160; Quaver Unicode
? &#x003F; Question Mark Unicode
&#x2753; Question Mark Ornament, Black Unicode
&#x2754; Question Mark Ornament, White Unicode
🙨 &#x1F668; Quilt Square Ornaments Unicode
&#x2E42; Quotation Mark, Double Low-reversed-9 Unicode
ŕ &#x0155; R With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ř &#x0159; R With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ŗ &#x0157; R With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E59; R With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E5B; R With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȑ &#x0211; R With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɾ &#x027E; R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɿ &#x027F; Reversed R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɻ &#x027B; Turned R With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȓ &#x0213; R With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E5F; R With Line Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɼ &#x027C; R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɺ &#x027A; Turned R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ɍ &#x024C; R With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ɍ &#x024D; R With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ɽ &#x027D; R With Tail, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͬ &#x036C; R, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʀ &#x0280; R, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
&#x1D19; Reversed R, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
&#x1D1A; Turned R, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ɹ &#x0279; Turned R, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1D63; R, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
ʳ &#x02B3; R, Modifier Letter Small Unicode
ʴ &#x02B4; Turned R, Modifier Letter Small Unicode
🐇 &#x1F407; Rabbit Unicode
🐰 &#x1F430; Rabbit Face Unicode
&#x221A; Square Root Unicode
&#xA490; Yi Radicals Unicode
&#x2622; Radioactive Sign Unicode
🛤 &#x1F6E4; Railway Track Unicode
&#x26C6; Rain Unicode
&#x2614; Weather, Showery Unicode
🌈 &#x1F308; Rainbow Unicode
&#x2602; Weather, Rainy Unicode
🐏 &#x1F40F; Ram Unicode
&#x25B7; Restriction, Range Unicode
&#x2236; Ratio Unicode
&#x23FA; Record Unicode
&#x241E; Record Separator, Symbol For Unicode
&#x2315; Telephone Recorder Unicode
&#x25AC; Rectangles Unicode
&#x2672; Universal Recycling Symbol Unicode
® &#x00AE; Trade Mark Sign, Registered Unicode
&#xA930; Rejang Unicode
&#x2194; Relation Unicode
&#x2ABD; Superset Relations, Subset And Unicode
&#xFFFD; Replacement Character Unicode
&#x211F; Response Unicode
🍴 &#x1F374; Restaurant, Meal (glyph May Vary) Unicode
🚹 &#x1F6B9; Symbols, Restroom Unicode
&#x22A8; Valid Unicode
Ʈ &#x01AE; T With Retroflex Hook, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ʈ &#x0288; T With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʐ &#x0290; Z With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x23CE; Return Symbol Unicode
&#x23F4; Reverse Play Unicode
&#x29F5; Solidus Operator, Reverse Unicode
&#x204F; Semicolon, Reversed Unicode
&#x27EF; Rgroup Unicode
🎗 &#x1F397; Ribbon, Reminder Unicode
&#x22BF; Triangle, Right Unicode
&#x200F; Rlm Unicode
&#x21E5; Tab, Rightward Unicode
ཿ &#x0F7F; Visarga, Tibetan Unicode
🤣 &#x1F923; Rolling On The Floor Laughing Unicode
💁 &#x1F481; Symbols, Role Unicode
&#x2185; Roman Numerals, Archaic Unicode
𐆐 &#x10190; Symbols, Roman Unicode
💋 &#x1F48B; Symbols, Romance Unicode
🐓 &#x1F413; Rooster Unicode
𐹠 &#x10E60; Symbols, Rumi Numeral Unicode
&#x16A0; Runic Unicode
&#x2330; Total Runout Unicode
&#x0BF9; Tamil Rupee Sign Unicode
А &#x0410; Russian Alphabet Unicode
ś &#x015B; S With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
š &#x0161; S With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ş &#x015F; S With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ŝ &#x015D; S With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ș &#x0219; S With Comma Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E61; S With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E9B; S With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Long Unicode
&#x1E63; S With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʂ &#x0282; S With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȿ &#x023F; Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter S With Unicode
&#x209B; S, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
ˢ &#x02E2; S, Modifier Letter Small Unicode
&#x2650; Sagittarius Unicode
🞨 &#x1F7A8; Saltires Unicode
&#x0800; Samaritan Unicode
&#x214F; Samaritan Source, Symbol For Unicode
&#x2144; Y, Turned Sans-serif Capital Unicode
&#x2644; Saturn Unicode
&#xA880; Saurashtra Unicode
💮 &#x1F4AE; School Grade Symbols, Japanese Unicode
Ə &#x018F; Schwa, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
&#x2704; White Scissors Unicode
🦂 &#x1F982; Scorpion Unicode
Ʋ &#x01B2; V, Latin Capital Letter Script Unicode
ʋ &#x028B; V, Latin Small Letter Script Unicode
&#x21F3; Scrolling Unicode
&#x2108; Scruple Unicode
🐚 &#x1F41A; Shell, Spiral Unicode
&#x2314; Sector Unicode
&#x2313; Segment Unicode
&#x0086; Start Of Selected Area Unicode
󠄀 &#xE0100; Vs17 Unicode
&#xFE00; Vs1 Unicode
🤳 &#x1F933; Selfie Unicode
𝅝 &#x1D15D; Semibreve Unicode
𝅘𝅥𝅯 &#x1D161; Semiquaver Unicode
&#x2120; Service Mark Unicode
&#x0093; Transmit State, Set Unicode
&#x2736; Sextile Unicode
&#x2591; Shade Characters Unicode
&#x2618; Shamrock Unicode
&#x2663; Shamrock Unicode
𑆀 &#x11180; Sharada Unicode
𐑐 &#x10450; Shavian Unicode
🐑 &#x1F411; Sheep Unicode
 &#x000F; Shift In Unicode
&#x240F; Shift In, Symbol For Unicode
 &#x000E; Shift Out Unicode
&#x240E; Shift Out, Symbol For Unicode
&#x26E9; Torii Unicode
&#x26CA; Shogi Piece, Turned Black Unicode
&#x26C9; Shogi Piece, Turned White Unicode
🌠 &#x1F320; Star, Shooting Unicode
🛒 &#x1F6D2; Shopping Cart Unicode
𛲠 &#x1BCA0; Shorthand Format Controls Unicode
𑖀 &#x11580; Siddham Unicode
&#x1D1E; U, Latin Small Letter Sideways Diaeresized Unicode
&#x1D1D; U, Latin Small Letter Sideways Unicode
🚩 &#x1F6A9; Symbols, Signage And Other Unicode
&#x26A0; Warning Sign Unicode
𝠀 &#x1D800; Sutton Signwriting Unicode
🥈 &#x1F948; Silver Medal Unicode
 &#x008F; Single Shift Three Unicode
Ž &#x008E; Single Shift Two Unicode
&#x0D80; Sinhala Unicode
𑇠 &#x111E0; Sinhala Archaic Numbers Unicode
&#x0D9A; Sinhala Consonants Unicode
&#x0DCF; Sinhala Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
&#x0D85; Sinhala Independent Vowels Unicode
&#x2E3D; Six Dots, Vertical Unicode
&#x2006; Space, Six-per-em Unicode
&#x26F7; Skier Unicode
💀 &#x1F480; Skull Unicode
🕱 &#x1F571; Skull And Crossbones, Black Unicode
/ &#x002F; Virgule Unicode
💤 &#x1F4A4; Sleeping Symbol Unicode
&#x2333; Slope Unicode
&#xFE50; Small Form Variants Unicode
˜ &#x02DC; Tilde, Small Unicode
&#x2323; Smile Unicode
&#x2368; Smirk Unicode
🐌 &#x1F40C; Snail Unicode
🐍 &#x1F40D; Snake Unicode
&#x26C7; Snowman, Black Unicode
&#x26C4; Snowman Without Snow Unicode
&#x2603; Weather, Snowy Unicode
&#x26BD; Soccer Ball Unicode
&#x2394; Software-function Symbol Unicode
𐼰 &#x10F30; Sogdian Unicode
𑃐 &#x110D0; Sora Sompeng Unicode
🔊 &#x1F50A; Sound Unicode
𑩐 &#x11A50; Soyombo Unicode
&#x2420; Space, Symbol For Unicode
&#x2004; Three-per-em Space Unicode
&#x2009; Thin Space Unicode
&#x200B; Zwsp Unicode
~ &#x007E; Tilde, Spacing Unicode
&#x2747; Sparkle Unicode
&#x2728; Sparkles Unicode
🔇 &#x1F507; Symbols, Speaker Unicode
&#xFFF0; Specials Unicode
&#x20B7; Spesmilo Sign Unicode
🎽 &#x1F3BD; Symbols, Sport Unicode
🏏 &#x1F3CF; Symbols, Sport Unicode
&#x23CD; Square Foot Unicode
&#x29C4; Symbols, Square Unicode
&#x2317; Viewdata Square Unicode
² &#x00B2; Two, Superscript Unicode
&#x22A0; Times, Squared Unicode
&#x2B1A; Squares Unicode
&#x22C6; Star Operator Unicode
٭ &#x066D; Star, Arabic Five Pointed Unicode
&#x2606; White Star Unicode
&#x273A; Starburst Unicode
🟀 &#x1F7C0; Stars Unicode
˜ &#x0098; String, Start Of Unicode
 &#x0002; Text, Start Of Unicode
&#x2402; Text, Symbol For Start Of Unicode
&#x2E3C; Stenographic Full Stop Unicode
&#x23F9; Stop Play Unicode
🛑 &#x1F6D1; Stop Sign Unicode
&#x23F1; Stopwatch Unicode
&#x23E4; Straightness Unicode
œ &#x009C; Terminator, String Unicode
 &#x0090; String, Device Control Unicode
&#x0F90; Tibetan Subjoined Consonants Unicode
 &#x001A; Substitute Unicode
&#x2426; Substitute Form Two, Symbol For Unicode
&#x241A; Substitute, Symbol For Unicode
&#x22B1; Succeeds Under Relation Unicode
&#x23B2; Summation Sign Parts Unicode
&#x2609; Sun Unicode
&#x1B80; Sundanese Unicode
&#x1CC0; Sundanese Supplement Unicode
&#x0C02; Telugu Sunna Unicode
&#x0FD5; Svasti Signs Unicode
ɀ &#x0240; Z With Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ꀀ &#xA000; Yi Syllables Unicode
&#xA800; Syloti Nagri Unicode
&#x2BD3; Symbols, Astrological Unicode
𝌀 &#x1D300; Tai Xuan Jing Symbols Unicode
&#x0FC4; Tibetan Symbols Unicode
🚀 &#x1F680; Vehicles Unicode
&#x29CA; Triangle Symbols Unicode
🔺 &#x1F53A; User Interface Symbols Unicode
🖿 &#x1F5BF; User Interface Symbols Unicode
🔠 &#x1F520; User Interface Input Status Symbols Unicode
🛥 &#x1F6E5; Vehicle Symbols Unicode
🌡 &#x1F321; Weather Symbols Unicode
&#x232F; Symmetry Unicode
ܐ &#x0710; Syriac Letters Unicode
&#x0860; Syriac Supplement Unicode
ť &#x0165; T With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ţ &#x0163; T With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E71; T With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ț &#x021B; T With Comma Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȶ &#x0236; T With Curl, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E97; T With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ⱦ &#x023E; T With Diagonal Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
&#x1E6B; T With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E6D; T With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ƭ &#x01AD; T With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E6F; T With Line Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ŧ &#x0167; T With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͭ &#x036D; T, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1D1B; T, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ʇ &#x0287; Turned T, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x209C; T, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
🦖 &#x1F996; Tyrannosaurus Rex Unicode
&#x2B7E; Tab Key, Horizontal Unicode
⭿ &#x2B7F; Tab Key, Vertical Unicode
&#x21B9; Tab With Shift Tab Unicode
&#x2B73; Tab, Down Unicode
&#x2B70; Tab, Left Unicode
&#x2B72; Tab, Right Unicode
&#x2B71; Tab, Up Unicode
&#x240B; Vertical Tabulation, Symbol For Unicode
˔ &#x02D4; Up Tack, Modifier Letter Unicode
&#x2ADE; Turnstiles, Tacks And Unicode
&#x1700; Tagalog Unicode
&#x1714; Virama, Tagalog Sign Unicode
&#x1760; Tagbanwa Unicode
󠀀 &#xE0000; Tags Unicode
&#x1950; Tai Le Unicode
&#x1A20; Tai Tham Unicode
&#xAA80; Tai Viet Unicode
𑚀 &#x11680; Takri Unicode
𝍲 &#x1D372; Tally Marks Unicode
&#x0B80; Tamil Unicode
&#x0B95; Tamil Consonants Unicode
&#x0BBE; Tamil Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
&#x0B85; Tamil Independent Vowels Unicode
𑿀 &#x11FC0; Tamil Supplement Unicode
&#x0BF5; Year Sign, Tamil Unicode
𗀀 &#x17000; Tangut Unicode
𘠀 &#x18800; Tangut Components Unicode
𘴀 &#x18D00; Tangut Supplement Unicode
&#x2707; Tape Drive Unicode
🞖 &#x1F796; Target, Square Unicode
&#x2649; Taurus Unicode
🕽 &#x1F57D; Telephone Handset Unicode
&#x2706; Telephone Location Sign Unicode
&#x2121; Telephone Sign Unicode
&#x260F; White Telephone Unicode
&#x0C00; Telugu Unicode
&#x0C15; Telugu Consonants Unicode
&#x0C3E; Telugu Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
&#x0C05; Telugu Independent Vowels Unicode
&#x20B8; Tenge Sign Unicode
ހ &#x0780; Thaana Unicode
&#x0E00; Thai Unicode
&#x0E4C; Thanthakhat, Thai Character Unicode
&#x0E4E; Yamakkan, Thai Character Unicode
&#x0E01; Thai Consonants Unicode
&#x0E48; Thai Marks And Signs Unicode
&#x0E30; Thai Vowels Unicode
OOD; &#xDOOD; The Unicode
&#x29E7; Thermodynamic Unicode
Þ &#x00DE; Thorn, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
👎 &#x1F44E; Thumbs Down Sign Unicode
👍 &#x1F44D; Thumbs Up Sign Unicode
&#x2608; Thunderstorm Unicode
&#x26C8; Thunderstorm Unicode
&#x0F40; Tibetan Consonants Unicode
&#x0F71; Tibetan Dependent Vowel Signs Unicode
&#x0FBE; Tibetan Marks And Signs Unicode
྿ &#x0FBF; Tibetan Ku Ru Kha Bzhi Mig Can Unicode
&#x0F0C; Tsheg Bstar, Tibetan Mark Delimiter Unicode
&#x0F08; Tibetan Marks And Signs Unicode
&#x0F34; Tibetan Marks And Signs Unicode
&#x0F82; Tibetan Marks And Signs Unicode
&#x2D30; Tifinagh Unicode
🐅 &#x1F405; Tiger Unicode
🐯 &#x1F42F; Tiger Face Unicode
&#x224B; Triple Tilde Unicode
&#x23F2; Timer Clock Unicode
&#x29FE; Tiny Unicode
𑒀 &#x11480; Tirhuta Unicode
&#x2E52; Tironian Sign Capital Et Unicode
˥ &#x02E5; Tone Letters Unicode
&#x1DCB; Tone Marks, Contour Unicode
👅 &#x1F445; Tongue Unicode
&#x2122; Trade Mark Sign Unicode
🚥 &#x1F6A5; Traffic Signs Unicode
&#x23E2; White Trapezium Unicode
🗑 &#x1F5D1; Wastebasket Unicode
&#x25B2; Triangles Unicode
&#x25B3; Trine Unicode
👳 &#x1F473; Turban, Man With Unicode
&#x274B; Turbofan Unicode
🦃 &#x1F983; Turkey Unicode
𐰀 &#x10C00; Turkic, Old Unicode
Ʌ &#x0245; V, Latin Capital Letter Turned Unicode
ʍ &#x028D; W, Latin Small Letter Turned Unicode
ʎ &#x028E; Y, Latin Small Letter Turned Unicode
🐢 &#x1F422; Turtle Unicode
&#x2B97; Type A Electronics, Symbol For Unicode
&#x2E44; Typicon Punctuation Unicode
Ʉ &#x0244; U Bar, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ʉ &#x0289; U Bar, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ú &#x00DA; U With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ú &#x00FA; U With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ŭ &#x016D; U With Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ǔ &#x01D4; U With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E77; U With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Û &#x00DB; U With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
û &#x00FB; U With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E73; U With Diaeresis Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ü &#x00DC; U With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ü &#x00FC; U With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1EE5; U With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ű &#x0171; U With Double Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȕ &#x0215; U With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ù &#x00D9; U With Grave, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ù &#x00F9; U With Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1EE7; U With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ư &#x01B0; U With Horn, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȗ &#x0217; U With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ū &#x016B; U With Macron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ų &#x0173; U With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ů &#x016F; U With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E75; U With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ũ &#x0169; U With Tilde, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͧ &#x0367; U, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1D1C; U, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
&#x1D64; U, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
𐎀 &#x10380; Ugaritic Unicode
˭ &#x02ED; Unaspirated, Modifier Letter Unicode
&#x2BD1; Uncertainty Sign Unicode
&#x238C; Undo Symbol Unicode
🦄 &#x1F984; Unicorn Face Unicode
&#x241F; Unit Separator, Symbol For Unicode
Ʊ &#x01B1; Upsilon, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
&#x2645; Uranus Unicode
&#x26E2; Uranus Unicode
ṿ &#x1E7F; V With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E7D; V With Tilde, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͮ &#x036E; V, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1D20; V, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
&#x1D65; V, Latin Subscript Small Letter Unicode
&#xA500; Vai Unicode
&#x2665; Valentine Unicode
🧛 &#x1F9DB; Vampire Unicode
&#x1CD0; Vedic Extensions Unicode
&#x0CF1; Vedic Signs Unicode
&#x2123; Versicle Unicode
&#xFE10; Vertical Variants, Glyphs For Unicode
ˬ &#x02EC; Voicing, Modifier Letter Unicode
🌋 &#x1F30B; Volcano Unicode
&#x1E83; W With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ŵ &#x0175; W With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E85; W With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E87; W With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E89; W With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E81; W With Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E98; W With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1D21; W, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ʷ &#x02B7; W, Modifier Letter Small Unicode
𞋀 &#x1E2C0; Wancho Unicode
𑢠 &#x118A0; Warang Citi Unicode
&#x231A; Watch Unicode
🐃 &#x1F403; Water Buffalo Unicode
🌊 &#x1F30A; Wave, Water Unicode
👋 &#x1F44B; Waving Hand Sign Unicode
🐋 &#x1F40B; Whale Unicode
🐳 &#x1F433; Whale, Spouting Unicode
&#x267F; Wheelchair Symbol Unicode
&#x2E3E; Wiggly Vertical Line Unicode
🐺 &#x1F43A; Wolf Face Unicode
👩 &#x1F469; Woman Unicode
👯 &#x1F46F; Woman With Bunny Ears Unicode
👵 &#x1F475; Woman, Older Unicode
👭 &#x1F46D; Women Holding Hands, Two Unicode
Ƿ &#x01F7; Wynn, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
&#x1E8D; X With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E8B; X With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ͯ &#x036F; X, Combining Latin Small Letter Unicode
ˣ &#x02E3; X, Modifier Letter Small Unicode
&#x22BB; Xor Unicode
Ý &#x00DD; Y With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ý &#x00FD; Y With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ŷ &#x0177; Y With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ÿ &#x0178; Y With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ÿ &#x00FF; Y With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E8F; Y With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1EF5; Y With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1EF3; Y With Grave, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1EF7; Y With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ƴ &#x01B4; Y With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȳ &#x0233; Y With Macron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E99; Y With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
Ɏ &#x024E; Y With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Unicode
ɏ &#x024F; Y With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1EF9; Y With Tilde, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʏ &#x028F; Y, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
ʸ &#x02B8; Y, Modifier Letter Small Unicode
¥ &#x00A5; Yuan Sign Unicode
𐺀 &#x10E80; Yezidi Unicode
&#x26DB; Yield Unicode
&#x262F; Yin Yang Unicode
ƶ &#x01B6; Z With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x2981; Z Notation Spot Unicode
ź &#x017A; Z With Acute, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ž &#x017E; Z With Caron, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E91; Z With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ʑ &#x0291; Z With Curl, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ż &#x017C; Z With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E93; Z With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
ȥ &#x0225; Z With Hook, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1E95; Z With Line Below, Latin Small Letter Unicode
&#x1D22; Z, Latin Letter Small Capital Unicode
𑨀 &#x11A00; Zanabazar Square Unicode
🧟 &#x1F9DF; Zombie Unicode
𝇩 &#x1D1E9; Zorro Unicode