Best, Popular and Trending Movies - TV Movie

What to watch? The best and most popular movies of the last years by TMDb ratings. And curated lists about different topics and streaming platforms.

Genres: All | Action | Adventure | Animation | Comedy | Crime | Documentary | Drama | Family | Fantasy | History | Horror | Music | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | TV Movie | Thriller | War | Western

Most Votes Overall

Movies from 2019 onwards with the most votes overall. Sorted by vote count and no restrictions about quality at all. Could be good, do not have to.

Best Rating Overall

Movies from 2019 onwards with the best overall rating and a min. vote count. Minimum vote count for genres is 500 and 2.000 for startpage listing.


806 / 8.2

Steven Universe: The Movie


798 / 7.8

We Bare Bears: The Movie


1.4K / 7.7

Descendants 3


630 / 7.7

Girl in the Basement


763 / 7.5

Teen Wolf: The Movie


524 / 6.4

Operation Christmas Drop